oh one of the things to work on is a battle system. like what fighting style etc.
OK! updated the concept minimap
so howz the updates coming?
im having trouble finding a good tutorial on fight systems, im looking for like a cage fighter/ critical hit sort of style.
oh and is the game characters static or dynamic- rigid body. private message me anything about what i just wrote
ive got some good songs in terms of the game type
- ice cube : no vaseline
- tupac : hit em up
-Clive- dj cvo : beemed up
IVe just made a restaurant/bar and ill post pics soon
hey heres a picture of a metal room , sorry for the poor texturing on the side ill fix that later
thats awsome keep up the good work
the room is just fine.do the texturing part later.
i need more info on the fighting system that you are thinking.
thanks man
its like how the people attack when you press a button and how the opposing player either blocks ,deflects , takes the hit or how they fight back.
so evryone has their own fighting style or dpendng on character what they can do. like tekken or street fighter sort of thing.
basicly not a fight that takes turns hitting but simultaenious hitting like a real fight.
iam also still gonna make more buildings and get more weapons and vehicles. we should range in programs so its easier m currently making stuff in sketch up. if you go on youtube and type in sword & shield and see the video called sword and shield youll know what i mean about fight system
ill post more updates later k.
ok. i thought that we can implement character fighting when we do the AI and python scripting./
sily me^_^
oh i think itll be easier to do the fighting whenwe do AI and python scripting. if it turns out good then yeah thats what we do. for character models what type are they , makehuman chars , chibi or game based
i suggest makehuman chars, coz they are easy to made
how do we make clothes for them, cause texturing doesnt work.
can’t we render the cloth textures in blender?
i am now focusing more on modeling/texturing. i have no idea how it will turn out.
mainly on 3D ugly trees and building and world/city/terrain
I made another UZI model. i don’t know if it is useful.:evilgrin:
IMI UZI.blend (50.5 KB)
hey if this project is still active Can you guys send me some of your latest work every once in a while to see what I need to do or like post some pictures like when hre posted the building just keep doing that plz and thanks
sorry for not posting for a while, my exams are going on right now and it will be over by thursday. so i’ll be back soon as possible.
i’ll send detailed PM to everyone in the team tomorrow.even now i am not on a PC xD
so till then enjoy the Christmas people.