GTA3 for all your texture needs....

Hey everybody.

Do you have the grandTheftAuto 3 game on your harddrive?

If so, you can extract all 3300 textures :slight_smile:

There’s a whole ‘modding’ community out there with all sorts of tools to export textures / models.

If someone is working on a racer game… (which is surely the case),
then maybe you can use the gta3 cars, the city, and the people.

Anyways, I really like it if people make original artwork, but if you need some good looking (tileable!) grass / wood / bricks / concrete textures, then check it out.


that is ilegal. you can use free textures but not copyrighted ones. you can use whatever you want at home but not distribute a game with the textures.

I really agree with you on that, don’t use it in commercial work.

But it’s very interesting to see how the textures are made, you can learn a lot from that.

You can download these programs from, which is linked to from, which is I believe the official site of the game.

So, I’m not sure if ‘modding’ the game is illegal.

this could always be done with almost every big game…
ive taken apart loads and i have to say the original halflife had the best textures and soundfx. not only the most deatiled but moreso the best compression and best texture layout.

Texture libraries are nice, but nothing beats making your own… I use photoshop. But, why not use blender to render some textures :smiley: although making them tilable, now that’s a bit harder i guess in blender!

Hmm. why not make a plane, stick your GTA3 texture on it, and then render the result, with a nice even light…hmm, did someone say legal?

(well whatever, i saw a game called 4 in a row - blantent connect 4 copy, just call the texture something different :wink: )

p.s not a very helpful post!

I don’t know how to create good textures, can anybody make a tutorial for this?

I’ve found these tutorials some time ago: