GTX 3080 shortage, sold for $70K?

Who would be stupid enough to pay $70K for GTX 3080? $70K is pocket change for Nvidia marketing budget.

No one. It was a bot some person made just to troll the scalpers. The bot overbids everyone but the seller won’t get a dime.


Like every year since the 1000 series, some people are just impatient , and Nvidia feeding them with paper launch to create rarity and desirability for their products.

They insist it was not paper launch. Maybe true. It definitely was a scalper launch as most people who got them were scalpers using bots.

i was about to say, theres no way someone would pay over twice the retail price for a GPU :smiley:

Surely just want a couple weeks and get x2 of them instead :stuck_out_tongue:

Also. Buying without waiting what AMD will bring to the table is crazy if you’re a gamer.

It looks like RTX 3080 isn’t just a hype.

Never was. Looking at their presentation they said it doubled the double floating precision calculations on it. That power won’t translate in games but for rendering it would. That’s why the rtx 3060 would be a great buy for hobbyist.