I was messing around earlyier and managed to create this image. Using only Blender. I think its quite cool, but can anyone guess how i did it?
Umm mabey I’m missing something here.
I have done something similar with the wood texture and a lamp. Mess around with the spec/roughness and have got what you got.
Used a texture on the lamp settings?
i’m going to guess something with the scaling on the wood texture of the monkey
Damn, it seems its nothing special then. I didnt use a wood texture i used a cloud texture and changed its mapping values to make it all lines. I used set it to affect SPEC, and CMIR. The green is created due to the CMIR part. I just used a load of lamps with No Diffuse then to light it up. I think its pretty cool. And could be used in animation when simulating a dark room, with only one light source coming from outside maybe.
Still looks pretty cool, don’t feel bad.
Hey, this is something i see all around the day!
Texturizing is not the most easy thing…
It’s good. Try the same texture, but mapped using NOR instead of ORCO. I’m NOT referring to the Nor button for bumpmapping.
To get really mental texture effects just through this method, render your model in WIRE mode which has a high emit value, then save the render and load as an image texture into the material. Then click NOR instead of ORCO.
Just read your sig, Sonix; made me laugh.
Found it by doing a search in google for ‘monkey quotes’.
quite kewl cyber effect