I want to make sure that I am documenting things in python in such a way as to make it easy for people to understand my code. What is this type of practice called? I can’t remember the right words to use to google the right guides.
also if anyone knows any good guides, please link them to me.
In general, you want your functions/classes to have proper pydoc entries that explain what the method/class does, what all the parameters are, and what the results will be.
If you want people looking at your code-level documentation, then you should document blocks of code explaining in natural language what the block does. You are doing it right, if you can delete all the code from your function and basically read the comments and a human could produce the correct results.
If you do something odd with magic numbers or working around a hack, then more technical details of what the code is doing and why it is crazy is a good idea.