Gun Not shooting correctly

Hey, im sorta a newb so this may be an easy fix but o well…
im just learning how to use the game engine so i decided to make a simple person walk around with a gun and have the gun be able to shoot.
here is wat i did…
First i made the gun and parented it to the person then added an empty and made it create the bullet and it shot fine. But of course u cant have the bullet shooting from somewhere hen the person isnt even there. So i tried parenting the empty with the gun so it will go whereever the gun goes. But when i run it, it freezes and sometimes it ill sporatically make the guy fly across the screen.
I then tried deleting the empty and just making the gun fire the bullet and it worked fine, again until i parented it to the person. then it did the same thing. So i guess the parenting is the problem, is there something else im soposed to do to get the bullet fire to come from the gun even after i move the guy around the scene?
plz help if possible~~ thanx! :smiley:

I bet you might have the bullet set for dynamics… and if you have the Add object actuator for the empty that controlles the bullet, make sure that the Local cordinate button is pushed, its small button near the X,Y,Z inputs. hope this helps for you.