Hi. So for my constraint needs I need to know how to constrain the right hand IK to the left hand IK for two handed weapon use. The object constraint doesn’t work as even though I have the IK selected it only constrains the Object itself, IE the overall mesh. How can I get the IK to IK constraint? To be clear, I’m selecting the controller attached to the IK, not the IK itself.
You already have IK set up, and you need the IK target to follow some other structure, which ultimately depends on your left hand?
Create an empty. Parent it, bone relative, to your left hand bone (or child-of, doesn’t matter.) Give your right hand IK target a copy constraints bone constraint targeting this empty. Position the empty so that your hand is where you want.
Can’t do it both ways though, can’t have constraints where RH is dependent on LH if you have constraints where LH is dependent on RH, even if those constraints are currently inactive.
Oh, hello again bandages. Thanks for the reply, I’ll give your technique a try.
Seems like I’m getting stuck on step 1. When I make the empty a child of the hand rig it doesn’t move with it at all. I cannot parent the the empty to the bone as the bone is not selectable in object mode just the rig. I cannot select the empty in pose mode just the bone and /or IK handle.
Can you tell I’m not a rigger?
Oh, and there’s no IK/FK switch just fyi. Wouldn’t that be nice.
Hi, the other way you could do it is select the armature go to pose mode select the hand ik control and use child of constraint to the weapon do it on both hands, and then when you move the weapons the hands will follow. If you want the weapon to also follow the rig then add an empty and parent the empty to the rig as object and parent the weapon to the empty as object.
File: constraint_weapon.blend (3.6 MB)
To parent an object to a bone:
- In 3D viewport, object mode: select object, shift select armature.
- Enter pose mode, select a bone.
- Ctrl-p ->bone relative.