GUZ the gingerman

This is my firt animation in blender i’m amateur.


Checking the file now, will edit this after I see it. But you are new so this is all foreign to you. But for future reference maybe you should render the animation and upload the movie clip to youtube or vimeo. Chances are you will have better results with that. Can’t wait to see the file though!

EDIT: Looks good, looks like you followed the tutorial nicely. Only have a couple of crits. This isn’t against you work but just to help your work to get that much better. With the rig, all the bones are in the right places, but there are a couple of vertices left behind when you try and move the whole guy. and you might want to try moving this guy about 20 Blender units forward at about 40+ frames. Will probably have to tweak those numbers. So that he will actually walk. Hope this helps! Great work!
A pic if project. my firts blender

Thanks Dudebot13