Just make it.
At the moment when the rope was attached the helicopter/Gyro was abruptly pulled down by the weight of the rope itself. (But of course we would think the rope is always on board). This is now compensated.
Gyro12.blend (2.9 MB)
In this version only the helicopter can use the rope which now has a magnet.
Right mouse button shows the rope and makes it longer,
Left mouse button makes it shorter and hides it finally.
Space key turns the magnet on and off (when in contact).
Camera in Fly-by mode can be rotated with arrow keys. (Mousewheel to zoom)
MiddleMouseButton: Top-down view
Test if you are a good helicopter pilot
Gyro13.blend (3.1 MB)
Key 1: Focus on Gyro
Key 2: Focus on Gyro2
Key 3: Focus on Helicopter (automatically starts Engine)
Key F: Fly-by Camera
Mouse Wheel: Zoom
MiddleMouseButton: From Top-View
Arrow Keys: rotate Camera
Key G: Ground Camera (Tower)
Key H: Helicopter Cockpit Camera (also starts Engine)
ENTER key: restart scene
Precession machine:
A/D: rotate red part
Space key: Spin and apply lift
Mouse: rotate direction
W/S: main Rotor Collective pitch
A/D: tail rotor left/right
Mouse: main Rotor cyclic control
Q: Auto-Hover On/Off (use only at very low speed!)
Left Mouse Button: make rope shorter and hide rope
Right Mouse Button: show rope and make rope longer
Space Key: attach or detach magnet to target
Visualization of Forces:
set the properties of object 'ZSE'
to True or False
Helicopter model by SHINN THANT
- When using the rope a Top-Down View is shown in the top right corner.
- The Auto-Hover mode (Key Q) is now subtle but helps a lot in keeping height. It is automatically turned off at higher speeds.
In the bottom left corner you see if it is On/Off
Both help a lot.
The Auto-Stabilizer also is now only active within medium speed. At higher speed it is not active. This allows faster flying.
In the previous version attached bodies to the rope could behave very wild. I hope this is fixed now.
Gyro14.blend (3.2 MB)
Reminds me of Kerbal Space Program! Pretty cool.
Haha, funny video! Didnât know KSP yet.
The wild behaviour of objects attached to the rope magnet is now fixed!!!
Instead of using a fixed 6dof-constraint itâs better to use a ball-constraint and align the Magnet to the face normal.
Gyro15.blend (3.2 MB)
- Start/stop Helicopter Engine with âEâ.
- When in Ground Camera View (key G) pressing G again switches between 4 different Positions. SHIFT+G goes backwards.
- In Fly-by-View (F) you can also rotate the camera with CTRL+Mouse
(little update: Top-down camera doesnât render each frame now to drastically reduce performance hit)
This project file might get updates (UPBGE 0.3):
Donât get crazy by the traffic
FirstPerson (swing and grab)
Key 1: Focus on Gyro
Key 2: Focus on Gyro2
Key 3: Focus on Helicopter
Key 4: FirstPerson-View
Key F: Fly-by Camera
CTRL+MouseWheel: Zoom
CTRL+Mouse or Arrow Keys: rotate Camera
MiddleMouseButton: From Top-View
Or when in FirstPerson-Modus switch back to FirstPerson-View (from Map-View)
Key G: Ground Camera
1st View = Map (accident Cars are marked)
hit G again to switch between 4 different Views
SHIFT+G previous Tower
Key H: Helicopter Cockpit Camera
ENTER key: restart scene
Precession machine:
A/D: rotate red part
Space key: Spin and apply lift
Mouse: rotate direction
Left Mouse Button: attach rope
Right Mouse Button: detach rope
MouseWheel Down: make rope longer
MouseWheel Up: make rope shorter
R: start/stop Rotor-Engine
W/S: main Rotor Collective pitch
A/D: tail rotor left/right
Mouse: main Rotor cyclic control
Q: Auto-Hover On/Off (also turns on Auto-Stabilizer)
E: Auto-Stabilizer On/Off
Left Mouse Button: make rope shorter and hide rope
Right Mouse Button: show rope and make rope longer
Space Key: attach or detach magnet to target
T: Extra Top-View On/Off
Mouse: View
W/A/S/D: Move
Shift: Run
Space: Jump
Left Mouse Button: attach rope
Right Mouse Button: detach rope
MouseWheel Down: make rope longer
MouseWheel Up: make rope shorter
Visualization of Forces:
set the properties of object 'ZSE'
to True or False
Sensibilty of Helicopter Controls:
set the properties of object 'Bell'
Helicopter model by SHINN THANT
drone City by Voxelatio
Low Poly Car Pack by Hexalore
Gyroscopic effect on a bicycle.
It corrects its steering automatically.
Bike2.blend (2.3 MB)
Key F: Fly-by Camera
CTRL+MouseWheel: Zoom
CTRL+Mouse or Arrow Keys: rotate Camera
MiddleMouseButton: From Top-View
Key G: Ground Camera
hit G again to switch between 4 different Views
SHIFT+G previous Views
ENTER key: restart scene
W: pedal 1 time
Bicycle (low Poly) by farcgs
(more to come)
Steering by balancing weight with mouse. (This is only simulated by applying torque on the bike. A real weight shift is too complicated.)
Bike3.blend (2.5 MB)
Key F: Fly-by Camera
CTRL+MouseWheel: Zoom
CTRL+Mouse or Arrow Keys: rotate Camera
MiddleMouseButton: From Top-View
Key G: Ground Camera
hit G again to switch between 4 different Views
SHIFT+G previous Views
ENTER key: restart scene
W: pedal 1 time
LEFT MouseButton: Front break
RIGHT MouseButton: Back break
MouseMove: Balance Left/Right/Front/Back
Bicycle (low Poly) by farcgs
Hurrah, my Joystick (MS SideWinder Force Feedback 2) works in UPBGE!
And looking around in the Cockpit is now also possible.
You can use a joystick for the helicopter by setting
the property âuse_joystickâ on the object âZSEâ to True
(Better use a joystick and not a gamepad because you want to control the pitch without a centering force)
For a Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback 2 to be recognized by Blender add this SDL2 code:
030000005e0400001b00000000000000,SideWinder Force Feedback 2 Joystick,platform:Windows,a:b7,b:b4,x:b6,y:b5,leftshoulder:b2,rightshoulder:b3,leftstick:b0,rightstick:b1,leftx:a2,lefty:a3,rightx:a0,righty:a1,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,
to the file:
Or for your joystick create a SDL2 code with one of these Tools:
and edit your joystick axes in the movement.py in this .blend.
Key 1: Focus on Gyro
Key 2: Focus on Gyro2
Key 3: Focus on Helicopter
Key 4: FirstPerson-View
Key F: Fly-by Camera
CTRL+MouseWheel or PgUp/PgDown or JoyButon 7/8: Zoom
CTRL+Mouse or Arrow Keys or JoyHat: rotate Camera
MiddleMouseButton or JoyButton 2: From Top-View
Or when in FirstPerson-Modus switch back to FirstPerson-View (from Map-View)
Key G: Ground Camera
1st View = Map (accident Cars are marked)
hit G again to switch between 4 different Views
SHIFT+G previous View
Key H: Helicopter Cockpit Camera
CTRL+Mouse or Arrow Keys or JoyHat: Look around
MiddleMouseButton or JoyButton 2: Center View
ENTER key: restart scene
Precession machine:
A/D: rotate red part
Space key: Spin and apply lift
Mouse: rotate direction
Left Mouse Button: attach rope
Right Mouse Button: detach rope
MouseWheel Down: make rope longer
MouseWheel Up: make rope shorter
R: start/stop Rotor-Engine
W/S or JoyThrottle: main Rotor Collective pitch
A/D or JoyZ-Axis: tail rotor left/right
Mouse or Joy-Axes: main Rotor cyclic control
Q or JoyButton 6: Auto-Hover On/Off (also turns on Auto-Stabilizer.
E or JoyButton 5: Auto-Stabilizer On/Off
When in Hover-Mode the Collective pitch is controlled completely by Autopilot:
W/S: in-/decrease target height
Left Mouse Button or JoyButton 3: make rope shorter and hide rope
Right Mouse Button or JoyButton 4: show rope and make rope longer
Space Key or JoyButton 1: attach or detach magnet to target
T: Extra Top-View On/Off
Mouse: View
W/A/S/D: Move
Shift: Run
Space: Jump
Left Mouse Button: attach rope
Right Mouse Button: detach rope
MouseWheel Down: make rope longer
MouseWheel Up: make rope shorter
Visualization of Forces:
set the properties of object 'ZSE'
to True or False
Sensibilty of Helicopter Controls:
set the properties of object 'Bell'
Helicopter model by SHINN THANT
drone City by Voxelatio
Low Poly Car Pack by Hexalore
Coming soon
Helicopter Alouette II Christmas special.
Working instruments and Slalom course:
Enter/Exit through the doors.
Lighten the candles:
here is the Alouette II Christmas Special.
Took the model by Helijah, made it flyable and animated most instruments.
The Heli will consume Fuel. Refuel on the Helipads.
The Alouette II is a wonderful Helicopter without electronic stabilization helpers but direct control and used for flight educatiion.
The Slalom Course
(with volumetric clouds turned off (key C) for better performance)
The next goal/waypoint is also indicated by the heli instruments. You can try to beat your own time.
The Christmas Tree
When all Candles are lit, the Star shines.
(with volumetric clouds enabled (= low fps). Can be turned off with key C)
Enter the helicopter through the right door(E), close the door, start the Engine (E),
-Fly the slalom - try to beat your own time, (the next way point is also indicated by the Heli instruments.)
Your flight will be recorded and played back the next time you fly the slalom: You can see how you flew.
You can turn off the Slalom recorder by setting the property 'slalom_recorder' of the object 'ZSE' to false.
-Lighten the Christmas-Tree Candles (by "shooting" with JoyButton 1 or LeftMouseButton).
When all candles are lit, the Star shines.
The helicopter will consume Fuel. Refuel on the Helipads.
Exiting the helicopter is only possible with stopped Engine (E).
Default is Joystick for the helicopter.
You can use the mouse instead for the Aircraft unplugging all joysticks or by setting
'Controller-Joystick' to None in Joystick Menu (key J)
In this menu you can also choose a 'Tracking-Joystick' for HeadTracking in Cockpit view
More info about Joysticks down below.
Joystick Assignment:
Key J: Open/Close Menu
On Top choose Controller-Joystick with LeftMouseClick
Left Mouse Button: enable/disable listening, then move Axis to full extend or press Button
Right Mouse Button: delete Entry
Axes Sensitivity: MouseWheel up/down. LeftClick to reset to 100.
You can test buttons and Axes: assigned function will highlight in pink
On Bottom Choose HeadTracking-Joystick with LeftMouseClick
When Menu is closed the settings are saved to disk ('name'.bgeconf)
Key F or JoyButton 7: Fly-by Camera
(CTRL+)MouseWheel or PgUp/PgDown or JoyButton 3/4: Zoom
(CTRL+)Mouse or Arrow Keys or JoyHat: rotate Camera
MiddleMouseButton or JoyButton 2: From Top-View
Or when in FirstPerson-Modus switch back to FirstPerson-View (from Ground-Camera)
Key G: Ground Camera
hit G again to switch between 4 different Views
SHIFT+G previous View
Key H or JoyButton 8: Helicopter Cockpit Camera
(CTRL+)MouseWheel or PgUp/PgDown or JoyButton 3/4: Zoom
(CTRL+)Mouse or Arrow Keys or JoyHat: Look around (disabled when using HeadTracking-Joystick)
MiddleMouseButton or JoyButton 2: Center View
Key C: Clouds On/Off
ENTER key: restart scene
E or JoyButton 5: start/stop Rotor-Engine
W/S or JoyThrottle: main Rotor Collective pitch
A/D or JoyZ-Axis: tail rotor left/right
Mouse or Joy-Axes: main Rotor cyclic control
Q or JoyButton 6: Auto-Stabilizer On/Off
Left Mouse Button or JoyButton 1: Lighten the Christmas Candles
Mouse: View
W/A/S/D: Move
Shift: Run
Space: Jump
E or JoyButton 5: Open/Close Helicopter Door
Enter/Exit Helicopter
Start/Stop Helicopter Engine
Manual recorder:
Key O: start recording
Key P: (stop recording and) playback recording
Debug shortcut keys:
Key 1: 1st person View
Key 2: Focus on Alouette
Key 3: Focus on Alouette Dummy (useful when playing back manual recording)
Visualization of Forces:
set the properties of object 'ZSE'
to True or False
Sensibility of Helicopter Controls with mouse:
set the properties of object 'Alouette'
About Controller-Joystick:
For a Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback 2 to be recognized by Blender add this SDL2 code:
030000005e0400001b00000000000000,SideWinder Force Feedback 2 Joystick,platform:Windows,a:b7,b:b4,x:b6,y:b5,leftshoulder:b2,rightshoulder:b3,leftstick:b0,rightstick:b1,leftx:a2,lefty:a3,rightx:a0,righty:a1,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,
to the file:
Or for your joystick create a SDL2 code with one of these Tools:
and edit your joystick Axes and Buttons in the Joystick Menu (Key J)
About HeadTracking-Joystick:
Setup your favorite HeadTracking software (TrackIR, OpenTrack, FreeTrack, LinuxTrack) to output to a virtual Joystick (vJoy, PPJoy). And set 'Center-Button' to the same as in this game (Joystick-Button 2)
E.g. on Windows you can use TrackIR->FreePie->vJoy. For FreePie the Python script from here is used:
I use my TrackIR3 Device with Freetrack->FreePie->vJoy with another script.
You can find a copy of both scripts for FreePie in this blend here.
Landscape and helicopter sound by SHINN THANT
Helicopter model by Helijah
SNCASE SE.3130 Alouette II by Helijah
License: CC-BY
Christmas Tree by uwepost
License: CC-0
Music by evanjones4
License: CC-0
Added a recorder and playback.
Your Slalom flight will automatically recorded.
The next time you fly it again, you see a âghostâ of your previous flight and can chase yourself
For this video I did a stop at the helipad.
(low fps only because of video recording)
Added an additional manual flight recorder.
Key O: start recording
Key P: (stop recording and) start Playback.
So you can inspect your perfomance at any time.
Added Joystick Configuration menu with blf-code.
No need to try your hands on python code for getting your joystick to work.
Joystick Assignment:
Key J: Open/Close Menu
Left Mouse Button: enable/disable listening, then nmove Axis to full extend or press Button
Right Mouse Button: delete Entry
Axes Sensitivity: MouseWheel up/down. LeftClick to reset to 100.
You can test buttons and Axes: assigned function will highlight in pink
When Menu is closed the settings are saved to disk ('name'.bgeconf)
- Joystick Configuration Menu (blf-code)
- Manual Flight Recorder/Playback
- Better Cockpit Instruments Rendering
Wow! Amazing.
Youâve made huge progress. Itâs been a while.
Cockpit-View now supports HeadTracking (via a Virtual Joystick).
Setup your favorite HeadTracking software (TrackIR, OpenTrack, FreeTrack, LinuxTrack) to output to a virtual Joystick (vJoy, PPJoy). And set âCenter-Buttonâ to the same as in this game (Joystick-Button 2)
E.g. on Windows I use TrackIR->FreePie->vJoy. For FreePie the Python script from here is used:
You can find a copy of that script in this blend here.
(vJoy has the big advantage that it is recognized by UPBGE out of the box.)
The Joystick Configuration menu now allows to enable/disable different connected Joysticks.