Hail to the King

O.K. I’ve gotten the Scene at the state, where I, for now, will pronounce it somewhat ready. There are some things that should be changed, but for now this will do. I want to concentrate on other projects. Here is the whole scene:


And here is a closer shot from her face:


I hope this aroses some interest in this tide of exelent F1 images, but if you manage, comments and crits, as you please. :smiley:

Oh come on! It can’t be that BAD!?! Or is it?

i think it looks cool. :slight_smile: but if i should point my finger at something, it would be that she looks kinda flat in her face.

I like especially the painting on the wall … good work. One thing: the imge looks a little squeezed from the sides. Is it intentionally this way?

Everything you see in this scne is ment to be there. At first the squuezinf was unintentional, but then I noticed, that it looked better (from my point of view) this way, so I decided to publish this version. :smiley:

I can see the points that are acting a particle emitters. I would have had more points, to the point (pardon the pun) where it would be impossible to point to an emmitter point (did I use “point” too many times? :wink: ) or maybe tweek soem other settings.
the rest is cool though.

hmm… why the character, and actually most of the stuff in the scene, are so tall?

try adding colorfull point lights with sphere-boundary near the fires to illuminate the surroundings… also… heavier shadows could be nice to try and see whta they look like…


isn’t hermouth just too small, her eye brow is too dispersed, her hood too straight

Well, the hood of her robe was never ment to be shot from close view, I just wanted to show her face. Yeah, the eyebrows are quite faint, I should do a decent UV texturing to her, but we’ll see. I seem to be doing so many other scenes right now, that Í barely have time to concentrate on them… :smiley: