hair does not grow properly from mesh


I am the guy who is actually producing the “Dragon Lovestory”. Tough there is currently an issue in characterdesign and it -really- drives me nuts:

As you can see, the particles do NOT grow evenly distributed over the mesh. Instead they grow from a few weird areas of the head. :mad:
And I -really- really tried all possible methods. I can not figure out what actually went wrong. I even re-imported the “nude” mesh in order to get rid of that effect. It has nothing to do with vertexmaps (got them ALL removed) etc. :frowning:
I wonder if there is any “hidden” parameter that could cause this problem. I really want him to be covered a by small and widely distributed feathers. Yet I can’t because I just can’t grow them =P

Thanks in advance

Do you have weight on the mesh?

I wonder if there is any “hidden” parameter that could cause this problem.
Hidden as in ticking the Advanced checkbox

Just checked for your pleasure. Acutally it does not make any difference if I choose vertex, face (desired) and volume. The hairs don’t get distributed at all. Verticed at least offer guides on the body but the children are stuck to the head. No matter what I tried so far

No, no weights too (not anymore)