I have a model that I DID have working, armatured and furry, but needed to make some changes. I deleted his left half and added the mirror modifier, bumped it to the top of the stack and… now my changes are done and he is only furry on the front!
I applied the mirror modifier, to ensure that wasnt playing games, but no change.
Changing to wireframe i think i can see the hair particles coming from the INSIDE of the back faces, but… all the normals on faces and vertexes look right?
Increasing to 10000 does nothing, other than slow my laptop nigh to a stop.
Reducing to 1000 seems to resolve it, although the hair dynamics seem to stop working…
Reverting to 5000 takes it back to the above screenshot state.
Turning off hair dynamics and playing with a few settings… now 1000 emissions is looking like the screenshot again… sigh
i can’t really see the settings, and i am not really familiar w the new interface. do you have ‘faces’ and ‘even’ checked?
(edit) also, have you tried deleting the current particle system and adding a new one?
faces and even checked, and quickly replacing particle system seems to be causing other problems, i will go over it slowly tonight hopefully find something. Thanks Modron.
seems to work if you move the particle modifier to the top then apply the mirror modifier just under that. Then move the armature modifier to the top so it will effect the particle system. not quite sure about the collision modifier, but probably above the particle one. that should do it.
Thanks LoMac, I want to try avoiding applying the particle system, so i can keep tweaking it…
I find it interesting that it appears to work above the mirror modifier, i might try removing the fur vertex group and rebuilding it… or something.