I did this using the January 27th release of Jahka’s particle patch.
Haha, I love watching that. It looked like hair was alive. Funny, but true. XD
Nice use of jahka’s particle patch!
Nice how long did it take to render it ?
particles used as hair now?
I didn’t know that was possible (to make it look nice)…
can i see your blend please? (through PM if possible)
Hey! Saawweeeeet test WingedOne.
Rock on!
that was cool, how did you do that?
Do you have a tutorial? Because I tried to make hair with particles and softbody, but it didn’t work.
It was Jahka’s particle patch. That thing is awesome.
Thanks for the positive feedback.
I have a slow machine, so it took 33 hours to render. :eek:
Information about Jahka’s patch and a nice video tutorial can be found here:
The latest builds for linux and windows can be downloaded from http://www.graphicall.org/builds/index.php
I’m not at home right now, so I can’t post a blend until tomorrow.
Grr… I see no phys button… >_> I can’t get the patches to work. lol, I’ll just boot up good ol’ POS windows.
Man these new particles will really make the old system seem primitive by comparison, I’d say with the particle edit mode and everything it’ll really be like a state of the art system.:eek:
Hooray, Blender’s getting some regocnition with this release.
Sculpting, Dynamic Hair… wooo!