I have no idea what is causing this, so do not know how to recreate nor how to fix. Due to the model I am using being a paid asset I do not feel comfortable sharing the .blend file.
As I comb the hair under the chin of this character it suddenly and violently goes through the mesh. Even more so, through the mesh and into the mouth. As can be seen in the images, deflect emitter is on and I am only using the comb tool. It only happens in this specific spot on the model, and no where else that I have seen. I can’t just fix this one part manually, because if I do so then turn the deflect emitter back on and use the comb tool anywhere else on this particle emitter, it will shoot back into the mouth.
Before combing.
As I comb the particles seem to disappear or curve into the head.
I find the ends of the particles in the mouth for some reason???
I’ve looked at this every which way, does anyone know what could be causing this? Or is my best option to go through combing the hair on a new particle system?