Hair radius around parent: where now?

Hello forum,

I’m trying to model a female character with long hairs: I am using the particle system specially designed for hairs in Blender, so far so good. My problem is that the children hairs tend to group tightly around parent hairs, creating ugly patches of bald skin between hair strands. That happens no matter how much I tweek the clump, shape and parting parameters.

I read somewhere that I should increase the radius of children hairs around the parent, but in Blender 2.76 I can not find said “radius” field anywhere. Help?

The radius parameter is only found when using ‘simple’ children, not interpolated. Try using more parent hairs, and fewer children. If you are using one of the styles (curl, wave) try increasing the amplitude. Or post the blend.

Look under Simple Children


Thanks ! I was indeed using the “interpolated” mode, and I wasn’t aware that the radius property was only available in simple mode. My bad!

Anyway, I tried to stick with the interpolated mode, and since adding always more parent hairs was getting seriously CPU intensive, I found a workaround - maybe not the best, but here it is : I added some “end point” roughness (like 0.01) with shape = 0, and now the hair strands do not look patchy anymore.

If you know a better or more elegant way to do it, please let me now. Anyway, thanks for your answers.