Hair Test 2 -- Softbody Interaction

I have been toying with another hair test. This time the hair interacts with another object. There is some penetration of the particles, but that may be attributed to my lack of knowledge about Blender’s soft body dynamics.

Here is the video and Blend file:


Mmm, mmm, good. :] I didn’t see any penetration, btw.

I foresee tons of cool little animations using the new particle system from Jahka.

I wonder if the Plumiferos team has use for these new features:)

holy cr@p thats some buetifull hair i could complement you on the material alone but your soft body skills are very impresive as well



Really nice work. I am having limited success understanding the settings though. After running the blend file, I “unbaked” the particles to see what your settings were. All the hair stuck straight out as you might imagine. But when I ht the bake button it does not return to your original position. It would be cool to know how you got from a bald sphere to such astounding results. I was able to make hair under the 2.42a version particle system, but of course I hit that snag that static particles cannot be deflected. That’s why I jumped at the chance to use this patch. I can see how great it is going to be when I get the hang of it. (Although I have stumbled on several ways using the new buttons make Blender crash under Windows XP). Thanks for sharing your Blend files with us

Try adding some loop cuts to your cylinder object to help with the penetration issue. I haven’t tested it yet but, you might not have enough geometry.

Looks great, BTW.

Aubert. He made it with particle edit mode. Check the edit modes and you’ll see one called ‘particle’ that lets you comb, cut, tweak, and pull parent particles like hair.


Incredible, but why was your lighting flashing at some points?

@Aubert2: Yes, BlackBoe is right. I “combed” the hair down except for a few wisps to represent a kind of “fake bangs” area.

@kernond: I’ll try that next time! Thanks for the tip!

@FuzzMaster: I don’t know. I noticed that when watching it from the link to make sure everything was OK. I assumed it was my encoder software/settings, but I think the actual frames that are rendered do that. I’ll have to dig around and find out.

What patch are you using that has the combing and cutting features?

It’s been all over the news forum. :stuck_out_tongue:

@kernond: To get the combing features you have to select the object with the particles and go into “Particle Mode” – like Edit Mode but for particles. It took me a couple of minutes to figure that out when I started with it.

Also, maybe tomorrow I’ll have another test that tries out something I’m curious about. I did one today in preparation, but it’s nothing really “new”. It does have a makeshift “head” to allow some interaction:

If it works I’ll post it here.

Wow, that new video is awesome.:yes::eyebrowlift:

New video definitely looks awesome! However, something, and I don’t know what, just seems off, and I can’t figure out what. The only other problem is that a strand flickers across the screen for half a second but that’s not your fault.

Okay. BTW, I knew about the features (I actually wrote the BlenderNation article announcing it) but, at the time there wasn’t a patch available with the combing and cutting features added.

I’ll have to get my hands on it. Thanks.

That’s the best dang hair test I’ve seen…anywhere. Imagine the results after the new tools are mastered…

Just a thought: You might want to add “Made in Blender” to these types of tests.

Yup, I need to add something about Blender to them. Will have to do that for the next one.
Aslo, I didn’t notice the hair flicker until you said something (FuzzMaster)! Arrgghh! Methinks it wasn’t on the stills, but came about during mpeg conversion. If it bugs me enough I’ll look into it.
Well, hopefully tomorrow I’ll get to do my new tests I’m thinknig about. They make even take longer, but I just wanna see something…

OH! NOW I get it! Just to share with anyone out there who might have been as perplexed as I was, the N Key brings up the menu with the combs and brushes and such. This is way too cool. I cannot wait to revisit the models I was making two years ago, and give them rich new particle style hair dos I’ll be sure to take pics and post them once I’ve done something worth looking at. :slight_smile: Thanks again for the info, and a huge thanks to Jahka!

That is awesome!, I can’t quite figure out how to use the new particle system though.