Hair Texture not showing in Evee only in Cycles

Anyone have any ideas as to why I can’t get my hair textures (using the hair tool addon) to show in material preview? but they do show up in render preview. Output shader node is set to All. I’ve clicked on pretty much everything else lol

total noob here btw any suggestions much appreciated cheers

It’s hard to figure out the problem from your screenshot alone. Possible problems that come to my mind are:

  • Principled Hair BSDF (does not work with Eevee/Material Preview).
  • Missing texture (the pink color indicates this)
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What did you do to the OffsetNode…all the parameters are missing???

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this is straight out of the box. haven’t altered anything. I am still very green to all of this. I take it the Offset node is vital?

It is what shapes the Hair…so yes it is vital. As far as displaying it will display without this Node but will be all wonky…since you have the purple color that is a sign that you didn’t get the hair library or not set correctly…

Make sure to get the Hair Library and install it wherever you want … I dropped it into the Hair tool Folder in add-ons…

and set the location in the preferences for the Hair tool.
You might want to just re-install the addon and see if that gets things back the way they should be

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