half a cylinder transparent


Is it possible to have a cylinder with a noise texture on one half and the other half gradually turning transparent?

Trying to make a wormhole mouth kind of effect.

you can either use a linear gradient texture uv wrapped or use a procedural gradient texture node. either way, make the gradient go from black on one end to white on the other. then plug the gradient texture into a mix shader FAC (the gray socket) with a transparent shader in one of the green sockets, and your effect in the other. black is the top socket, white is the bottom.

thanks buddy

This is what I got before I saw your picture :slight_smile:

is there any way to make the gradient effect not so sharp? i’ve tried a color ramp but that didn’t do much

Ok, i think i will have to change the texture maybe but how does this look?

try setting your color ramp to “ease”, which is more of a quadratic curve. or you can use an alternative method, but this requires your effect to be perfectly aligned to one of the axis. but its much nicer i think.

the example below shows it aligned to the Y axis, and the multiply basically makes the effect longer or shorter and the add node offsets the position of the gradient (the order matters, add first, multiply second).

i dont think that looks too sharp, really thats pretty awesome. :cool:

which is the offset and size node, cant seem to find it.

sorry, i just renamed some math nodes. in the node editor “N” to open the side panel and up at the top in the “Node” section theres a “Label” which is usually empty. i like to get all fancy and make the nodes different colors and all too. :yes:


thanks for your help. given me plenty to work with. Here’s what I got with the second node set up. Which do you think is better?

i like the look of the latest, but the noise texture feels slightly small. you might want to turn down the emit a little, you could also plug your gradient into the strength (a multiply may be in order to compensate) to exaggerate the gradient. love the colors. maybe add some kind of effect to the middle.

something to try, but slightly unorthodox: switch the color management device in the Scene tab from “sRGB” to “None”. i personally prefer the linear nature of it, but this usually results in a darker, more saturated image. this will completely change colors in blender as you know them. it could work well for this project. i recommend to make a copy of the blend before poking the sleeping bear.

i see what you mean about poking the bear :slight_smile: lots to play with