Hall of Fame (upd 15/6/06 - back online!)


I’ve been checking out (and participating) elysiun’s weekend challenge from the very beginning…
and it has a very special place in my heart…
so I wanted to do something to preserver the pictures…
at least, winning pictures.

so, here it is:


if you want some features to gallery, or whatever… comments and ideas are welcome! thanks!


oh wow, thanks basse!

i actually wanted to do something like this but then more to see which topics had already been done.

Browsing through that you can really see some top quality blender work…

thanks again!

btw - i actually really like that site design! It’s easy to view and it loads fast… (and i feel right at home :stuck_out_tongue: )




plus the link to that pic is at http://reblended.com/www/steve343/images/BONFIRE.jpg

Great job man!

Maybe, Timothy could replace the gallery (that is off-line for several months now) by this hall of fame. I think it would be cool :smiley: 8)

Also, I just send you my pics :wink:

thank you man!!! :smiley:

“now with the rip-off site design!!”…rofl :stuck_out_tongue:

d52477001: yep, and as I said, we can extend the use of the page in future, if it’s needed… you know, extra useless information about wc :slight_smile:

steve343: oh sorry… it’s all you number-nickname dudes… you make my head spin. it’s corrected now. p.s. I know steve is quite common name, but was it really so, that number 343 was the first available after plain “steve” ? not “steve2” or at least “steve108” :slight_smile:

x-warrior: thanks! images are in place now.


I have to write a big thank too. Great job. Nothing more to say.
bye . vosa

I hadn’t looked at that many of the weekend challenge contests, thanks

(in the future would the two (or three) runners up be reasonable?)

zer0d: it’s possible, and actually I had thought of that already. it’s not hard to make (actually my php script partly supports it already)… but I have to think how it fits to the gallery page… design-wise (is that word?) … maybe winning picture there like now, and then button to see runnerups… have to see.



Great work basse… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


steve343 has been my internet name for ages

The number represents the parabolic curve that depicts human behaveour i.e i will have at about 4 spelling mistakes in this sentance but its less likley for me to make 8 or none.

I am pretty good at reading what people will do what they will say how they will react. I know that most people will think that to be arrogent, and i know after saying that people will either think it is less arrogent or more depending on the person. and 1 out of 10 people wont read this post because it is over 2 short paragraphs.

This is really great.

Man, there is some pretty nice artwork among the winners.

This is great, very interesting to look at the winners (and be amazed at what people manage to complete in just a weekend!).



awesome! my trophies finally made it to the hall of fame :smiley: thanks basse!

its great to see the winning pictures collected somewhere… the hallf of fame was always a cool part of the weekend challenge

anton42: yep. and many times, people spend their weekends doing other stuff, and then in the final day remember there was challenge again and STILL make it to produce these pics… heh.

blengine: we will have to see, once the gallery has the last little things sorted out, if we could get this somehow glued to weekenchallenge forum area… stick post or something… have to see… I’ll try to do something to that logo thing today.


Very, very cool! Nice to see everything in one place!

One problem: on my connection at least, the page will load up about half the pictures really quickly, then bog down to a (possibly infinite) crawl trying to load #42 and #49. Twenty minutes and counting and it still hasn’t gotten them or gotten beyond them (and I’ve tried on four separate occasions today).

And, in case my private message didn’t get to you, my #46 winning picture is at http://home.maine.rr.com/meanwhile/blender/superhero.jpg (and its thumbnail is at http://home.maine.rr.com/meanwhile/blender/wc46thumb.jpg). Except when it’s down (as it is right this second), of course… :x

[I changed ISPs and editted my posts to reflect that, but I could only edit my post in the WC46 entries thread. The copy in WC46’s voting thread is now dead and I cannot change that.]

Great effort! Thank you for doing it!


ok. maybe it IS quite heavy page… I admit… script is evolving.
I added page-flipping. default is 10 on one page, you can change that on bottom of the page, where you also find the page numbers.

and, your picture is there…



D’Oh! It never loaded that far, so I didn’t know if you’d gotten it in.

The page turning is a (nother) great idea!


Cool :slight_smile:


Argh… I never won a WC…

s68: there is still time… next weekend perhaps?
