Just a little something I was working on for the ‘On the Haunt’ contest.
(Yes, I know that penguins are not native inhabitants of the northern hemisphere; just consider them as ‘Out of towner’ Trick or Treaters trying to hit as many places as possible )
It’s indeed a nice effect you’ve got there in the background, but IMO that doesn’t look anything like aurora (if that’s what you were going for). [edit] Google for aurora.[/edit]
Now, I must say that I love the concept. I remember a childrens’ book about something like this. I say keep the penguins. :). I think you could make the snowhills a bit more arctic, maybe make higher spots ?icyer? or smth. Then again I have no idea how to do that
I just realized I have another suggestion: Since there is alot of blue in the sky, so will there be on the snow as well. A blue lamp would do the trick nicely, I’d think.
Me too. Lower right corner, I think you don’t have set smooth enabled, you can see the faces… try hitting set smooth again. And uhh… well, penguins have feet too, you know
Looks good !
I’d suggest making the whole thing darker to give it more of a mood - try for something more like moonlight if you can.
I agree with Carnivore - nice effect, but it doesn’t look like aurora, maybe play with particles ?