Halo particles not going over alpha transparent image plane

alpha problem2.blend (1.22 MB)
Open the attached blend file and press F12 to render image. You will see that there are 2 objects in the halo particle system’s path; a cube and a plane. The plane has an alpha image mapped on it. When you render, the halo particles SHOULD cover the plane like it does the cube. but it does not.
Anybody know how I can fix this?


I’m still stumped on this. Can anybody help? Let me know if my question needs more explanation.

made a bug report on this here:

Because of the way halos work, you won’t get them to sit over z-tranparent images. You might try setting up render layers and then using the compositor to try to get the effect you want.

Brecht Van Lommel Said:

It’s a known limitation of the Blender Internal alpha / halo pipeline, these never worked well together. This could use some major refactoring, but no one is actively working on the core Blender Internal engine, so we can’t consider it a bug at the moment, only something to put on the todo list and improve once.
