Hands of a mechanic

Bravo, the image seeds the imagination with a thousand stories.

You so awesome, dude !!

Congratulations, this is a very good Work! well Done! It reminds of my childhood days, when i visited my father in his own workshop. The mood in your Picture is awesome. Only one thing forced my imagination back to facts: The Faucet is not typical for a workshop, it is a kitchen faucet. Ok, this will make sense if the mechanic went from his workshop to the kitchen to get his hands clean, but maybe somethin like this would be nice:


Great image. Well presented.

he needs a bar of soap!

Excellent and full of detail

i am speechless.
that looks so real o.o
and i like that kind of dirty look XD
great work

wow it looks so real

Mind completely blown. How the hell do some of you guys create such amazing pictures?

Thanks again everyone for great ideas, pointers and comments, there’s always room for improvement :slight_smile:

I personally would lose my mind if I would strive for perfection, so instead I aim for satisfying level of detail and acceptable amount of errors or things that could be refined more :slight_smile:


I love it!! so much details… and it tells a lot.

Very nice render. The pose (weight) is a little stiff / floaty. The left hand (the one with the watch) looks very good, it has a realistic pose. The other hand/arm I think just needs a little re-positioning. The render and image is fantastic, great work.

Awsome work! 5 stars for sure :slight_smile:

Great work!

This way I’ve got a shock… o_O
An excellent image and just brilliant shading!!

Perfect job!

Christ, not 'cause it sais much but this is far better than something I ever could hope to accopmlish. :eek:
Just adore the lighting… any chance you could show us the composition nodes? :smiley:

A very creative piece! Exceptional modeling/sculpting on the hands, and beautiful lighting. I do agree with the person who commented that the tool box seems to clean.

Great job on this.

Wow…great piece.

Good day! Your work is great!
Could you advise pls your settings of ClayRender? I want to make such render too!