"Haneen" , open short film


i will be posting the new updates of the characters and news for Haneen short movie project here in this thread …

PS : those are initial models and need to be amended for sure :wink: .
I need critique , please guide me .

our complete appreciation .


That is so cool. Is Haneen a political scenario ?

started rigging …

this mistake at his shoulder is bugging me .


Looks like you either missed a vertex or it’s weight is too low compared with the others around it.

Another possibility is it is weighted to another bone - sometimes you can paint a background spot while you move around to get the area you want.

I don’t know if it’s intentional, but the rifle is far too small.

Hey guys , amended 70 % of the shoulder problem , and realized that there should be an additional loop there , it’s now much better , …

anyways , here goes the amendment of the hand model …
i’m cleaning the model , adding more loops , fixing UVs , and re-rigging . :smiley:

PS : believe it or not , it’s a matter of moving vertices not adding ones for the image below .

~~ Edit :

ghazwozza , it was not intended , working on it after the new rig .

LoopyShane , ok , when an area is assigned pure red to multiple bones it makes distortions and such , by the way this is my first time rigging !!! LOL , but i feel that i’m getting along .
Cheers .


Whoa it’s looking betterer now! Can’t wait for the next update!

maybe the final version of the soldier model ?
this environment is experimental for sure , here goes an HD Image .
PS :- if anyone wants to discuss something irrelevant, please chose the suitable site/forums , thanks for your collaboration , and if you don’t want guys to see the updates then it would be no big problem for us .

Edit :-
very basic version of the home with window and bed placeholders , post it to ask :- "how do i make the edges at all the rounds and outline of the object ? "

Thanks . :wink:


new updates …

Question : can i make cartoon edges with only nodes ?


new character and first rig .

not textured yet .


where is this story taking place ?

another pose , cleaned the rig and the pose …

i have some kind of problem with arm rigging , how can i alter it like the dashed line ?



I am no genius with rigging, but I think constraints to limit the rotation to within a certain range might be helpful here.

Actually I think what you may be after is a target for the elbow joint.

The problem is when you move the hand the calculations to get the two arm bones into position between the hand and shoulder don’t always bend naturally. With another bone behind the elbow you can get the elbow to always point to it preventing it popping forward. You can then move the target up and down for fine control. The same issue can show up in the knees.

I have recently seen a vid tutorial which covers this by David Radford - http://www.vimeo.com/5067809.
There are three parts to the whole tutorial and the section you want is about three quarters of the way through the first one, which is almost an hour long (starts at 46:40).

You asked about the edges, for shure if I was you I wont use, I think that your work will be better without them but that´s only what I think…
How about your render time and your machine…?

Looks like you’re progessing nicely:) Keep up the good work…
About making outlines with nodes, I think it’s a good idea. I’ve experimented with it a little, if you multiply the nor pass with the z pass you get a quite good description of the geometry and edges in the scene, then you do an edge detection filter on that (laplace) and map it to a black-and-white colurband. Now you just multiply the edges into your scene.
Here’s an example image http://andeye.dnsalias.net/goran/toonscape7.jpg

The node setup requires FSA to look good, so in the output panel you need to click the Save Buffers button and then the FullSample button. This makes rendering a bit slower, but you get the full power of the node editor.
Oh and I took a screenshot of the noodle

thanks loopyshane

andrepazleal , 5 to 20 seconds < first picture took 19 Seconds >

jorzi , thanks , i wish it gets even more simplified info , i’m no expert in nodes , … , there’s a non-shown node at the top-right corner , what is it ? :slight_smile:

here goes a simple/basic video , first complete rig from me , LOL , and the character isn’t textured , we know that there is some distortions , i promise that i will fix them , thanks all .

some updates on the boy , and a very test-oriented leaning to feed birds animation

also , seeking help here

Looks like he has brick pants xD