this is a quick character design i felt like doing just for fun
Good work!
He has a lot of personality - not just a generic profile.
One crit - the ear grabs a lot of attention.
nice….[edited by admin]
Nice character there. I think the jaw is too square, and the nose is slightly over-exagerrated, but overall it looks great! Nice texturing and lighting and I love the background.
Very nice skin texture…
hmmm… I can’t see it for some reason.
Cuby: I’m not sure, but I think those were stylistic choices.
Too bad nothing is showing up…
same way too, I can’t see a damn thing
i tried uploading it agin is it showing up now?
It is for me, at least. Nice work - I presume by the shape of the face that its not meant to be particularly realistic.
There we go!
Awesome, as usual. I love the sharpness of the cheek and the jawline. Very nice touch.
thank you so much for your comments, no he´s not supposed look realistic he is very stylised i wanted him to have very sharp and angular features.