Happy Easter

Forgive the proud Moma routine, but I had to share my daughter’s first blender model. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

(Moma helped with lighting and assigning materials, but she did all the modeling. And I must say, she did better with her first model than I did with mine. :stuck_out_tongue: )


I wish I could do that.

do what? model?

I haven’t got an image, but happy easter!!! :slight_smile:



Wow, your daughter is very talented! Happy Easter!

looks like your daughter is gonna be a great blenderhead :smiley:
how old is she anyway?
…but please teach her about the OSA buttons (its jaggie) ;):wink:

and passover (pesah).

Hey she’s a natural!
Happy Easter to you, your daughter, and the rest of your family.

And Passover ofcourse.

she is 11 and learning rather fast. I only managed to get her interested in computers about a month ago.

Thanks for all your comments. She is tickled her bunny is being received so well. :smiley:

But whatever you do, don’t let it go to her head! :wink:

yes, teach her about the OSA buttons! i learned the hard way… nice image!

holy crap! we got another blender pro. commin our way in a couple of months guys…

Damn, I still can’t make anything of that quality… I should get to work… And maybe finish a project or two…

I recall that one of your children, had some kind of a health problem (I apologize in advance, in case I’m mistaken here… :expressionless: )…

If this is the one we are talking about, then that bunny makes me twice as happy and you have the right to be twice as proud as you say you are… :smiley:

Damned good work, for an 11 years old kid… :o

Happy Easter to everybody… :smiley:

A mother who encourages her kids to use computers (and Blender!) , I wish all parents were like that :smiley:

Good memory, actually this IS the one who was diagnosed with diabetes 1 year ago. She is doing well and looks to be soon out blending mom here. :smiley:

looks like your gonna be having to stay up late nights to learn blender lots, don’t want your daughter overtaking you in blender %|

It must help to live in the same house with someone who is already well-versed in Blender. I would not find it that simple.