Happy holidays

Hey all I guess this is as good as place as any to place this… Just wanted to wish everyone happy holidays… made this short animation… is my first attempt using yayfray btw… anyways hope you all have a great time tonite.


Ok im just guessing that it got over looked seeing as that I posted it new years eve and all… Either that it was so bad and no one wanted to hurt my feelings over the holidays :stuck_out_tongue: anyways would like to kinda know if anyone liked their gift or not… i realize ya cant set it on your desk … and quite frankly ive allways found snowglobes kinda boring but im cheap so what can i say. Anyways hope you all had a good holiday weekend.

It’s a simple animation, but sweet. :smiley: Thank you for the animation. :slight_smile: Happy belated holidays to you too!

thank you :slight_smile: Yea I kinda started it last minute… The render time took longer then setting up the scene. Anyways thanks for the compliments.