Hi all,
Happy mayday to everyone
wonder if pilots still use the term “mayday” when they are in trouble.
anyways… have a nice one everyone
here is what mayday is according to the wikipedia
Hi all,
Happy mayday to everyone
wonder if pilots still use the term “mayday” when they are in trouble.
anyways… have a nice one everyone
here is what mayday is according to the wikipedia
wow they actually say mayday???
when English is not your first language and you learn it there are so many things you know but had no idea what they meant… it is so cool
what did they say that tho…
is the first of may special???
well happy may day to you too:eyebrowlift2:
Today is the legendry day in the town of Padstow that people dance around with the Obby Oss.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/cornwall/content/articles/2007/04/11/padstow_obbyoss_feature.shtml pretty much sums this up
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padstow is a more official artical for interesting reading.
Padstow is the global meaning for Mayday.
P.S. if you are Christian, the Obby Oss festivle is very paigan indeed.
Edit: The ‘Obby Oss’ is led on by a ‘Teaser’ who dances around the ‘Oss’ and prods him with a special padded stick. On its route the 'Oss sometimes drags women and girls under its dark costume in quite a graphic attempt to portray a fertility rite. It used to be said that “if you were caught beneath the veil that you would be pregnant within the year”.
Now that ought to make interesting discussion.
Castro is missing.
I thought it was the day you Europeans did this maypole thing…
heh! this is cool I did not know it was a pegan thing… I like it even more now
thanks for the info
dunno, I am an American, Our schools dont teach us very much about other cultures
here is more on mayday
Nothing special about May Day for pilots in trouble. This started in the first world war, when air battles were fought over France. Aviation was new, and hadn’t settled on English for air-ground radio communications. “May Day” was taught to American pilots since it sounds like “M’aidez!” or “Help me!” in French.
Happy mayday to you as well…\
Cinco de’mayo, Mother’s Day…Not an overly interesting month, but summer is finally on the way…
Peers at Wikipedia … I thought beltaine was after imbolc, but that’s ostara. Also, I knew it was equivilant to mayday, so that shows I wasn’t even thinking. Mutters to self. Well, I’m down to three wiccan holidays that I actually remember . . . or up to five, hum.
At least the trees are awake again >_>. Winter can be exceptionally dead around here.
Oh, and wiki suggests something else for the origin of the distress call mayday, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayday_(distress_signal) . . . but then, that’s disputed on the talk page, so I have no ide :D.
Greetings comrades. Please be upstanding in reciting the second stanza of the Internationale.
There are no supreme saviours,
Neither God, nor Caesar, nor tribune.
Workers, let’s save ourselves!
Let’s decree a common defense
So that the thief returns his plunder,
To pull the mind from the prison cell
Let us blow upon our furnace ourselves,
Strike the iron while it is hot!
|: It is the final struggle
Let us gather, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be mankind!
Of course the wiki “History” is disputed: it’s ridiculous – a US Army sergeant doing a “remember may day” swan song over the radio on a US Navy aircraft carrier in extremis in 1927??? Absurd. And then this is so widely heard and compelling that it becomes an official distress signal? LMAO.
The USS Langley CV1, the only US Aircraft carrier in service in 1927, was operating in peacetime in the Pacific theater, training pilots. Nobody was shooting at her, no horrible typhoons endangered her, and her pilots already knew to say Mayday if they needed help, having been taught that in flight school.
Happy Beltane. Now I’m going to go run through a bonfire.
Ah, cool. I was wondering about that but a little too busy to go on a big google hunt.
Happy Beltane. Now I’m going to go run through a bonfire.
Um . . . dosen’t that hurt? o_O
Not if you know what you’re doing. [Hint: being naked helps… ]