Happy solstice !

The summer solstice is going to be on the 20th this year at midnight. The solstice moon will be on the 18th. We are going to have a small get together on the 18th, and a rather large party this friday,saturday, and sunday in honor of the goddess Luna.

Anyone else celebrating the summer solstice this year?

in honor of the goddess Luna

You can’t be serious, are you?

One can be if she’s Pagan.

Here there’s no celebration, just life as usual, the only difference is the season. It comes and goes with no fanfare and just some notice it started like fall, winter, and spring.

You can celibate solstice as an atheist - it’s completely scientific. Or if you just want an excuse for a party.

Anyway…sounds like a good enough excuse for me!!! Good idea…I’m stealing it from you:eyebrowlift2:!!!:smiley:

Yeah… Call down the moon tomorrow, and a party on Saturday. And sage the house. It’s been a while. Poor dragon probably never even looks out his window, if they even let him have one. So sad. I’d send some healing light Kansas’ way, but he’d probably duck.

yogyog, you can celibate solstice all you want, but the Goddess might not be too pleased. And her Consort is ROFLHAO.

Sorry, I got it wrong, Luna was in march. The party will be in honor of Lithia Sabbat . It is for the sun and not the moon. It is going to be a fire festival.

Call down the moon tomorrow, and a party on Saturday. And sage the house

I see you celebrate it too, I just got back from the store with my Sage, Mint, Basil, Saint John’s Wort, sunflower, and Lavender.
I am burning a little sage early, I just love the aroma it puts off.
I got a huge candle too that I am going to be burning in front of my bathroom mirror all day long. My friends will be floating paper boats in the river.I don’t do the boat thing, I think that falls under the “littering” category of the law.

Happy solstice everyone!

Wot no mead barley ? That is the holiest stuff ever. Except for whishk sky, or Rhummmm or hick voddddka.

Yippee another exshuse for a drrrrrink . … . .hick hick

Tanks Angel Schmidt hick hic

Apparently you’re pagan, but you can’t always keep track of all the festivals and goddesses?

(not meant entirely at you Angela) You know there’s too many goddesses in your life if you can’t keep track of them all. Like an ancient Egyption meaning to seek help from Ra and asks out Ptah by mistake.

Apparently you’re pagan, but you can’t always keep track of all the festivals and goddesses?

You know there’s too many goddesses in your life if you can’t keep track of them all. Like an ancient Egyption meaning to seek help from Ra and asks out Ptah by mistake.

Hello CyborgDragon
I was in a hurry this morning, and I did not have my coffee yet. I asked my friend to make a paper boat for you. Hopefully it will bring you happiness and peace.

As I said before, I do not take any of this seriously. I just do it for the social group. The rituals are more just to celebrate the time of year. We do not have any real set of gods we follow. Our last party was for Mithra to celebrate Friendship and peace.
Even though none of us believe in Zoroastrianism.

During December we even do a Christmas party which gets pretty wild, it goes on from the 21st until the 2nd of January. We have a couple of Christian friends who like to party with us, and it makes them feel comfortable so we call it the Christmas party. Although it is not in honor of christ, it is for the winter solstice and the new year so everyone can celebrate with us without violating their faith, or lack of.

Life is a celebration, so we use every excuse we can get to celebrate.

more dieties/spirits/totems/whatever = more holidays.

more holidays = more mead.

mead = yum.

If you don’t have a central source of dogma in your life, ritual is not for any god. It’s for you.

When you’re not just trying to follow the rules, ritual can be self-serving in a positive way. (for example, funerals aren’t for people who die, they’re to help the people who live deal with the person’s death.)

Celebrating the change of seasons is an acknowledgment that we are a part of the changing world around us.

@AngelaSmith - I think it’s brilliant. What calendar do you use?


mead = yum.

Bleh! No mead for me.I have been “on the water wagon” since the last party. I drank an entire 5 liter box of wine in about 4 hours.I also fell down a flight of stairs, and was violently ill for 3 days afterwards. This party I have limited myself to a 4 pack of weak wine coolers. Then I am going home.

To TaoTeCheese,
Personally I just use a cheap Norman Rockwell calender that the company I work for sent out to everyone for christmas/new years, last year. Seth dose all the choosing of when , where, and who we are celebrating. He probably follows a calender like this one :
He is an odd leader. Every party he shows up in a full wizards costume to start everything with announcements, and welcomes to new people. During the party he and a few other people in role playing costumes hang out in a huge WW2 army mess tent. They play Dungeons and Dragons the entire time, while everyone else is outside having fun.

I think I like the movie “Dragnet’s” definition of Pagan as an acronym. People Against “Goodness” And Normality. My life would be very boring and depressing if I had not met this crazy group. We meet at least once a month for an activity of some sort. It sure is a lot more fun than hanging out at the dance clubs like I once did to socialize. Everyone knows each other. It is almost like a second family to me.

It is bed time for me, Good night everyone.

I celebrate it within my heart… In memory of all the druids burned as witches in the name of religion.
A day to remember that any belief is dommed and bound to change and disapear as time passes by…

Swedish celebration of the solstice rules. It’s all about symbolic penis penetrating the earth so it can be fertilized. The the crop will grow better. Just to make sure that all go according to plan the people dance around the huge symbolic penis and do the ceremony dance of the frog. Then everyone gets drunk and make out with the nearest hot babe, who might be your cousin or not. Never sure when you’re as drunk as you get.


Pamela in Finland also celebrating the huge symbolic penis of joy. That year the crops was growing outstanding in Finland.

Just a quick correction.
That is called a phallic or phallus, for it to be a penis it would have had to be attached to a living organism at one time. I have a rather large antique stone phallus in my living room from Greece, and people call it a penis all the time.They just have no taste for art I guess.

So then… deities/spirits/totems = yum? :eyebrowlift2:

As a matter of deductive logic…

That’s correct. To call your item a “penis” people should include the qualifier “a statue of a.”


Are you serious? Do you have an issue with pagan religions? Would it be considered politically correct if I asked you are you serious after you ask if anyone’s celebrating christmas…considering it actually started as a pagan holdiday christians “converted” into a christian one in hopes of converting pagans. Her post wasn’t meant to start a religous debate so there really was no need for you to come in and post unless you were preparing to answer the question quoted below, or sharing your experiences with the subject.

Been prep’in for awhile lol!! But…I think you may be a bit confused:

Not really…but we got the idea :wink:

…if he saw it coming lol!! J/k…anyway…I would never have even guessed you would have even known about this…guess you can’t make assumptions about anything. Well I don’t think I assumed…I just never thought about it. That’s a kudos to you…with all the religous debacles that have gone on here you must have kept pretty quite. Too bad I couldn’t…I should take notes from you lol.

There really is no need to jump down his throat. I doubt he knew his remark would be offensive to you. Also, if you’re going to tell the story tell it right. Christians didn’t “convert” a pagan holiday into a christian one. They CREATED a christian holiday DURING a pagan holiday. Big, BIG difference.

The first Christmas celebrations were in reaction to the Romans “Saturnalia” (winter solstice). It was developed, according to popular belief anyway, to replace the worship of the sun with the worship of the Son. Emperor Justinian made christmas a civic holiday after christianity replaced paganism as the official state religion of the Roman Empire. So in that light your words could be considered correct but only because it WAS created to aid in the conversion of pagans. Please don’t tell anyone your version of the story as it would probably lead to a religous conflict, especially since I’m almost sure you’ve heard the story the right way at LEAST once.

-and no, I’m not a “spiritual” person by nature. This is just, well, useless information I’ve picked up over the years.

Well the Christian practice of creating counterbalance to other-worldview observances still goes on today. Athiest observances when created soon Christian leaders have a counter observance to that one.

Even on the internet my faith has countered any secular endavours that have come up but putting up their own versions of popular websites.