Happy Valentines Day........To The Ladies

Once again the day of love nears, and all the cavemen on BlenderAritsts.org/Forum/Unromantic/Piecies/of/Crap say nothing to the wonderful womens on the forum.

So yet again for the second year in a row Super Greatness must step up to the task. And make the women on the forums feel appreciated and pretty (it wont be easy have you seen some of the trolls on this site).

That was a joke, there are no trolls on the forum. Only finest of calibur womens are allowed to post with the wonderful Wu.

This year I will write a poem to the women of Blender Artits.

How is your face?:wink:

Your smiles are so pretty and white.:evilgrin:
But I wish you would have used mouth wash last night.:yes:

You dont know how all your private messages make me feel.:o
It brings joy to the super hero that uses his buttcheeks to bend steal.:eek:

Your faces are so wonderful and spunky.:wink:
Can I ride that donkey, donkey, donkey.:eyebrowlift:

Just a little somthing i made…pretty little thing…aint it.


Guys seriously take a lesson from the Wu. This is how you make women feel loved and special. What you have just seen is why the Wu gets all the females, and why you still live with you MOM!

Guys if you want to impress your girl this Valentines Day follow what the Wu has just done. And you will make it the most wonderful day she has ever had!!

DANG!! Its hard being this awsome all the time!! DANG!!

Dude, get with the program (yes, American slang from the 80’s, whatcha gonna do 'bout it?), Valentines Day is for people who express their love anonymously… but that would need a modest person. haha… modest.

Well which I had a valentine.
Actually meaning just a girl, I don’t believe that with valentine you comfort your gill more.

Oh, Wu, Wu, Wu…:no:
still looking for Super Woman?

super WUMAN.

what part of FOR THE LADIES did you MEN not understand.

this is not a thread for men to talk about there feelings, this is not a thread were people come to question the wu!! DANG!!

stop trying to block the love, losers. this is the “FOR THE LADIES”!!! DUDES get off my thread!! DANG!!


and once they post you will all see how a smooth operator…operates!!

Don’t expect to get posts from the ladies when BA only has one :wink:

Yeah, come on guys!

My favorite anonymous act of love is to write out a girl’s phone number, address, and schedule in letters next to a sticky porn foldout and leave it on top of her bed.

Wu-Man’s Valentine:


There’s two female members here that I know of, and they post very rarely. Boglady and Sarah = )

There are DOZENS of females on BA, but if you people keep acting like little boys they’ll NEVER show themselves, cause ladies DON’T want to hang with LITTLE BOYS!

Yeah, the baby has spoken… need fresh milk now.

Thirsty Sago?

I think:

a) the nipples will be too much stretched out and therefore hard to find
b) this thread will be locked really fast now


maybe if we all chant they will come and post…?


it didnt work…it only made me feel really really sad…:frowning:

Happy chocolate day females
may you keep your entrails
once I show this picture
of me, using a fixture
as a tool of hate
on people you appreciate,
but I loath.
By Jove
I think I got it!
Its time for my smash hit
“Killing loved ones
by throwing them into various suns”
which is an epic tale
of hatred and fail
written by Yours Truly
along with this poem so burly
filled with the awesomeness that is me
and typed with my knee.