Hard Ops Thread


Nothing serious … but it seems to me that the versions of the Updates are not up to date ! :wink:

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Hi masterxeon,
it’s really nice yo have finally a lasso in boxcutter it’s awesome :slight_smile: can you make a video how it’s work (can we use it in create and knife mode ? ) because i think it’s really huge.

lasso is an extension on ngon so it inherits directly some of the same behaviors and controls.
Supporting everything. Cut, make, extract join etc.
The only unique parameter is the spacing for equidistant.

In my personal work I still opt for ngon so it may take a moment to find creative uses for it.


So, does this support beveling with n-gons? Like if I use a bool and make a cut will it still bevel things evenly to be used in a high poly for baking? Control edges were always a weakness and this looks like it would help tremendously.

A playlist going over the tool in depth is available.


I will look into this. I think this tool looks very promising. If it can manage bevels without the need for control edges, I think I’m probably sold.

Pardon, where is the Discord for this? I had questions about it I wanted to ask.


Hi i tested, and it’s good , maybe a bit slow when you cut, about the knife and lasso tool there is a way to select the cut part after the operation? It could be really useful.

Just curious if there’s a quick way to do smart apply or as quick as I can boolean?

i dance around the potential correct location. There also is the task in discussion of making a smarter apply system submenu system to attempt streamlining but for now I suppose having it possible in Sharpen as an option might be feasible. We’ll see in the next micro.

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not a bad idea. I actually plot something similar for the next level of hopstool.
Some interesting changes should come about from the revisits planned.
Also that entire option is in the process of being remade and unified so it can have a better name. I like the icon idea. Fading over depending on mouse would be my jam.


Is it possible? Or are there already Python limitations?

well the dots of hopstool were always “placeholders” for things a little more visual. Im sure the systems exist to allow it. Just the legos would need to be connected. Also theres always a bit of inquisition that comes with changes to ensure they play right with all systems so planning is always crucial. Theres also alot of experiments that never make it out of the door so it kind of reminds me of some RPG esque adventures we tried with per object info conveyance. It begins to look like runecraft quickly tho…


another example

you sure love the radial array. Also cant compete with fusion. Why you pointing at the N Panel?

this is a picture from google

Hello, first time posting here, and new user of hopscutter. I have a small feature request that will at least save me a lot of time, as I don’t know of a workaround at the moment. In BoxCutter, I often make a cut in view mode to align it to the view, then rotate the scene to further manipulate the cut. The G/R/S transforms are not undoable, so sometimes if I’m not happy with a transform, I’ll have to cancel and start over with a new cut. It would be extremely nice if transforms (and possibly more modifications) could be hooked into a buffer of actions in order to revert anything and retry before a cut is made.

Edit: Oops, I might have posted this in the wrong forum. Could you please tell me the correct channel to post issues about BoxCutter? It seems I found an ugly bug with circle cutters that I’d like to report.

Also, I forgot to say thank you for this awesome tool. I’ve been using Blender for many years, and I recently decided to buy hopscutter and meshmachine, and I can’t believe what I’ve been missing. Seriously, all of your hard work is amazing.