Hard Ops Thread

Edit: Nevermind, i just had to update to the newest version of Hard Ops.

once updated. you will be good to go.

Any plans for big updates in the coming months??? your chanel so quiet :frowning:

i did some uploads recently going over installation nuances.

I meant plugin updates
new fixes, features etc etc

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HardOps and Boxcutter have been updated to support 3.4.0! Out now!


    def poll(cls, context):
        active_tool_id = active_tool()
        if active_tool_id is not None:
            return active_tool_id.idname == 'Hops' # Or Hopsedit
        return False

Here is the fix to this console error @masterxeon1001, its slightly slower but avoids those pesky launch errors when a context doesn’t exist yet. A better solution would probably be to just not call the idname attribute or to change/recreate the root functions return.

Where to replace the poll methods:
addon\panel\settings\__init__.py line 15 & 65
addon\panel\settings\misc.py line 16
addon\panel\settings\modifiers.py line 16
addon\panel\settings\smartshape.py line 15

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thanks for the info!

I was wondering if it would be possible for the Dice operation to create a new mesh, which would be built from only the new edges that Dice creates, and wouldn’t include the vertices of the original mesh?

Hey Jerry, just wondering if there is a way to add the primitives as new objects in sculpt mode? This would be the way you’d want to add them 99% of the time, rather than as part of the current sculpt object. Cheers.

Coming from Zbrush this little feature would be a lifesaver if the prims were added as new objects. Having to keep going out of sculpt mode to add primitives in object mode is a royal pain in the arse.

Such a native feature, if you mean about insert brush as zbrush, there was a very old abandoned commit for this feature to sculpt mode but didn’t make it :sweat:

Jmesh tools addon has this feature if I recall…

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sure. its not a bad idea. It will be checked into.

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Not an insert brush, just a primitive ready to go as a new object, centred up.

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I’ve been having issues with boxcutter functionality in a fork for blender called Bforartists. I would really enjoy working with boxcutter within my preferred application. I was hoping we could get ot the bottom of why this is happening? Also on my normal cut tool in boxcutter doesn’t show me the shape as I am trying to cut on my object. I can upload more videos or images as necessary.

Thakyou in advance for all support/guidance.
Sincerely, JohnnyBravo

looks like they need to update their branch!
Our tools are designed to work with the latest blender.

Bforartists will need to fix this on their side by getting congruent with master. Hope that helps!

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I got the latest HOps and BC in Blender 3.3.1. I often work on my own addons so I reload scripts often. Unfortunately HOps and BC keeps populating the console window with errors when reloading:

EDIT: Worth to mention that after the scripts reload, the BoxCutter tool disappears from the left viewport toolbar, and can not be activated with the hotkey either. The error is “Failed to BoxCutter: mode is unsupported”

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Hey all,

Apologies for the really dumb question but I’m trying to figure out what Hard ops actually is…

I’m sure I’m wrong but, I get the impression that it’s essentially a sort of UI/skin that organises native Blender tools and modifiers into a streamlined workflow dedicated to hard surface modelling. This works really well and a lot of people that really like it, but there are no new modelling features as such.

Am I wrong?

start page / videos

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Was that a reply to me? If so, thanks, I saw that already, which is what gave me the impression that Hard Ops takes native blender tools and organises them into a workflow designed for hard surface modelling. In particular the line…
“It is my hope to make a tool that reduces keystrokes and turns processes into steps.”
In other words, there’s nothing in hard ops that can’t be done in native blender, but it’ll be quicker in Hard ops? Make sense? Or is there something else?

correct. Blender excels at alot but is unorganized for any particular workflow out of the box. Hard Ops aimed to provide a hard surface approach in line with blender with keystroke and gestural efficiencies in mind. It is recommended that users experience Blender in it’s intended vanilla state in order to grasp the initial offered efficiencies of the application.

Hope that helps.

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