Hard Ops Thread

I was a bad boy – I made a little snarky comment about this on the YouTube page. I hope you forgive me.

Anyone else getting crashes (not even an error message, Blender just dies) with Box cutter as soon as doing a cut in Blender 2.79? I tried a clean build with just Hard Ops and Box cutter installed, but same issue occurs. Update needed for 2.79, or is it something else?

i have been using it with the official and it hasnt been causing any issue. Also the buildbot. During times like these I try to catch the cmd output that id leaves after closing to see what the error says but its something we’re unable to replicate on our end.

Hops - 093_1
blender 2.78

steam version


Maybe closing / reopening blender might allow you to enable it but I am unable to replecate the issue but we’re looking into it.

2.79 all good.
I’m not afraid, I’m going to 2.79.

oh snap. I didnt notice the 2.78 haha. Yeah 2.79 and up. The changes are getting rough in these later versions ha.

I request feature, which i used a LOT in Modo for hardsurface

In short i want to click one button in hops menu (with edges selected) and it will

  • duplicate selected edges
  • separate them
  • switch to object mode and select separated object
  • convert that object to Curves
  • pop up Current HardOps curveAdjust and let me manipulate it’s settings interactively
  • convert that object to Mesh
  • join it with main object
  • switch to edit mode with new geo selected

last 3 steps can be hooked to checkbox, so user could decide what he wants

I can write it for myself, but i think that feature can be useful for others too

well i think thats something that would be useful as well. I just separate the edges with p nowadays and not even duplicate since it works the same it seems. I dont get the join part though.

So we can keep working in edit mode (may be leave that new geo as curve and just select/activate old mesh and enter edit mode)

I did it for myself, lol, so easy even without Python experience
BTW you have nice code

bpy.ops.mesh.duplicate_move(MESH_OT_duplicate={"mode":1}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value":(0, 0, 0), "constraint_axis":(False, False, False), "constraint_orientation":'GLOBAL', "mirror":False, "proportional":'DISABLED', "proportional_edit_falloff":'SMOOTH', "proportional_size":1, "snap":False, "snap_target":'CLOSEST', "snap_point":(0, 0, 0), "snap_align":False, "snap_normal":(0, 0, 0), "gpencil_strokes":False, "texture_space":False, "remove_on_cancel":False, "release_confirm":False, "use_accurate":False})

        lo_b = [ob for ob in bpy.data.objects if ob.type == 'MESH']
        lo_a = [ob for ob in bpy.data.objects if ob.type == 'MESH']

        for i in lo_b:

        separate_object = lo_a[0]
        bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')
        separate_object.select = 1
        bpy.context.scene.objects.active = separate_object


Why do you make 50 identical instruments?!
There are a lot of addons that do it! I know at least 2. For example the Ktools.

As a newb to blender i tried to find them, but failed. Oops then :smiley:

hey roman, nice work. I think you accomplished your goal haha.
pressing 1 / 2 to change between the prefs of the curve is also a thing. Does that work as well. It’d be nice if it could smooth it out as well. i pmed you as well about it.


Is it possible to change bevel behavior?

Topology is crazy bad that way. BUT if we bevel concave edges first
And then convex
We get clean topo

Sooo, is there any way to change behavior of bevel modifier or create new one?

Well thats the million dollar question. There is many workarounds as you’ve seen but the modifier itself inherently has some behavioral “quirks”. I’ve seen some impromements to it over time but it has been hard to reach out to the person who is maintaining the code on it. I suspect to make another bevel modifier one would need to make a special blend of blender.

Have you tried doing something like virtual modifier?
I mean storing base mesh somewhere and:
1)when we exit editmode - saving mesh to our secret place and doing bevels in right order on right edges
2)when we enter editmode - loading our saved version

then if we click Step -> it becomes our base mesh, so when we enter editmode again we have bevelled geo

Just quick idea

Nice ball, lol

Hey mx, I know Hard Ops isn’t a really sub-d tool but it makes for a decent speed up of some things by using the awesome ctrl+~ window and creasing instead of beveling when you SSharpen or CSharpen. Any chance you could add the ability to crease border edges in addition to setting a Mean Crease(separate values for creased edges and border edges would be ideal)? This would let you do some neat subdivision stuff fast and gives you a TurboSmooth-like look with a mean crease of .5 for the border edges.

edit: Added a basic version of this to HardOps to check viability and it seems okay though I’m not sure it’s compatible with your experimental mark_ssharps_bmesh() that’s enabled by default(took me longer to figure out why my code wasn’t being called because of this hidden preference than to write it :)). I don’t know if you can do a select_non_manifold() with the bmesh stuff to get the border edges. Worked fine with the old mark_ssharps() code though.

Hello, friends.
I want to introduce you my work with hardops!


Special thanks to masterxeon1001!

hot damn those closeups are beautiful