Hard surface practice: futuristic potted plant

Hard surface practice: futuristic potted plant.

This is a project I created for the free CGMA course challenge. The challenge was open-ended: take an everyday object and give it a fantasy or sci-fi twist. The modeling itself was fairly straightforward, so I focused most of my effort on lighting and composition.

100% made and rendered in Blender. Used also HardOps/BoxCutter, SanctusLib, DecalMachine and some stuff (like plants) from Poly Haven.

Wires for the main object:

Here are some viewport view:

And a render with DoF turned off:

Artstation link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/n0VrX6

Edit: I re-rendered the image with a bit more samples and tweaked stuff a little bit. The main improvement here is that I added some tree branches in front of key light, so the lighting looks more dynamic. Also added a few more images.

Old stuff


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you!

I re-rendered the image with a bit more samples and tweaked stuff a little bit. The main improvement here is that I added some tree branches in front of key light, so the lighting looks more dynamic. Also added a few more images.

I’ve made also a short animation, will take a while to render it though :sweat_smile:

The whole scene looks really good, modeling and lighting are excellent. I think it needs just a little less depth of field because nothing looks quite in focus.

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Thanks for the feedback!

(Edit: there’s “no-DoF” render as well in the first post… I wasn’t really sure between dof/no-dof… but I’ve tested quite a few values and at least to my eyes everything in-between first image’s DoF and no-DoF version either looked worse or didn’t really make much difference - so I left it with just the 2 ‘extremes’)

Sorry, I missed that. I kind of prefer that one but it’s just me. Excellent work.

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Thanks again! :slight_smile:

This looks like: plants conquering space and are ready to take off in 10000, 9999, 9998… to inifinity and beyond :grin:

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Beware of the hungry sentient plants! :grin:

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Thank you!