Hardware help...

I’m pretty sure my motherboard is broken. I couldn’t switch on the other day and have tried with two different PSUs and just the mobo on it’s own… nothing.

I’m not really a hardware man and have never been into fiddling with the inside of my PC.

Anyway, I’m thinking I need a new motherboard but can only find one like it on eBay. It’s an ASUS A7N266-VM. The eBay auction is open for the next 3 days but I wanna get it sorted ASAP as it’s like losing an arm (well not really but you catch my drift)…

Could I just buy a similar one and swap them over? There’s some ASUS ones here:

I have an Athlon 2.2 and 512 of RAM?!?

it could be your power module (big box in back with all the plugs). i had a similar problem a few months ago, changing the power box fixed it, and no data was lost. though, now i have a bigger problem, i fried my hard drive. literally. leaned it too close to a piece of metal when i was working on it, turned on my compy, ZAP ZAP KA-POW!! instant dead HD. anyway, good luck, as far as i know, replacing the MB with a nearly identical one shouldn’t screw with your data. maybe you should boot with a cd, just for insurance if you decide to try that remedy.

Thanks for the reply. I haven’t had much luck with it so have decided to buy a new barebones system and plug my HDs into it… I hope it works! I’m picking it up later.

In fiddling around with it I blew up a power supply in much the same way… ZURCH… BANG… big plume of smelly smoke… very scary! I’ll try to be more cautious with the new one. :-/

Remember when fiddling with your box make sure your earthed. This can reduce the chance of you touching something and frying it. And don’t have any kind of magnet or magnetic field near it. Like screw drivers that can keep the screw on dangling.

One wrong touch and it can be a goner. Make sure you read the maual as well and keep tracks of all screws and anything else that comes out.

You place a wrong cable or wire in the wrong place you could have to buy a new machine.

Good Luck.

Also when you started your machine up was there any beeps coming from the MB?

Not at first but I can now boot the machine up. Unfortunately, it knows the case has been opened because of the jumper on the motherboard. I need to use the keyboard to ok it and the keyboard doesn’t work. I’ve tried two different PS2s and one USB, which worked at first but has since stopped working?!?!

All I will be doing now is connecting power and IDEs to two HDs and two DVD writers… surely I can’t blow it up doing that!!!