So guys i’m working on a professional level and my company don’t have much to invest on a pc, most likely a mac.
This is their solution:
iMac late 2009:
intel Core Duo 3,06ghz
250gb SSD drive
16gb 1066mhz ram
ATI Radeon HD 4670 w/ 256mb Gddr3
Do you think this machine can do a decent job at renders?
We are currently working on an app game, and will develop spaceships and so on, im not new at blender so its not going to be a polygon style renders, will be full on hd texture etc etc.
If you have other opinion pls give it and bear in mind we do need a cheap OS X solution under 800€ or a windows solution in the same amount.
Yes i know 800€ for a good machine is not much but we are trying to pass this year with a really tight budget.
No gpu rendering and only 2 core machine is not ideal for rendering.
You’d be better off with basic Windows/Linux machine with a mildly decent gpu for most likely the same price (cheap !)
Sounds like the company wants to seem to be professional but on the cheap so don’t expect ‘professional’ performance
This is kinda a one year solution… my current machine is a mackbook pro i7 2,2ghz 16gm ram ati radeon 6750m 1gb ram…
But this is machine will become a domestic one and so we are looking for a cheap solution to work. The computer already exists, the ssd and ram will be upgrades…
If you have it already then test it with a scene versus your current machine so you have a real world comparison. Then you can assess whether it’s a dog or not.
Extra RAM and SSD I wouldn’t expect to make much difference in render time which most likely will be not great. For proper rendering for cycles you need compatible gpu which you won’t have and for blender render plenty of cpu threads which you don’t have.
What do you want it to render ? Anything but pretty simple things you’d be better off getting a proper system or paying for a renderfarm as and when you need to render something
You may prefer OSX but for any proper business, if something cannot pull it’s weight you bin it.
Yes i do get your point… i maybe didn’t say everything…
The imac that i have is not in my hands… it belongs to a programmer so i can’t test it now… but they are doing the upgrade either way from what i heard… For proper renders i guess it will not be a problem since we have a machine with 29 CPU’s and 3 graphic cards… but is a server machine that we use for this things time to time since the main use is for our websites, so i can’t use that all the time… but that “let me see if it’s good” render will have to be done in the one that will work on. But yeah i see that we have to work on a better solution.