What is the status of the inferred rendering, is it still being worked on?
The Harmony project grew a little too large. It was touching too many parts of the code to make a code review feasable. To deal with this, smaller projects have been identified from the larger Harmony project, and each project will be worked on to completion before the next is started. This makes getting the project through code review more managable.
A rough roadmap would look somthing like:
Custom material shaders + UI -> Multiple render passes -> Custom scene shaders + UI -> Inferred lighting
This roadmap allows dependencies to be developed and polished and gives the larger features a more solid foundation to be built on, rather than hacking them into the existing code base. Much of he previous Harmony work will be reused, especially for the inferred lighting code. I can not give a good estimate for time as I am unsure how much time I can devote to this project. I just finished my Master’s degree and I am now looking for a job. While I am looking I have begun working on improved custom material shaders.
To follow progress on Harmony development, you can check out its GitHub page: https://github.com/Moguri/blender/tree/harmony2 .
Thank you kupo
Any word on hardware armature skinning?
[Offtopic]How much do you think it would cost to keep you developing fulltime?
Great to know.
If you really want a number, about 5000 USD a month. With my degree I could find a job that makes at least that much and would have a benefits package.
Do you think that hardware armature skinning would take less then 15 days of paid development? Inferred lighting? So 1 month total?
BPR; I don’t know if you yet understand the size and scope of such features such as hardware skinning and inferred lighting, especially in the context of what needs to be changed in the source code before you can even get to the meat of the functionality.
And then there’s the polishing, bug hunting ect… You seem to be in the belief that features can pop up almost overnight, if so, then you simply do not yet have an understanding of how development works.
off hand, part time is different then full time, to someone who does this already for fun,
He knows the code,
40 hrs * 4= 160 hrs in a month
I was thinking indie-go-go ,
5000/160 = 31.25 $ hr
There is already a discussion about “User driven development crowd funding”, it can be done for the bge too - if there are a plenty of users interested.
Well, I was looking around on Moguri’s github page and noticed a number of BGE-related commits here.
There’s some promising commits here related to the refactor of the use of custom shaders, I really hope we’ll be able to see these in 2.71, because it would definitely help with the resource pack idea of making custom shaders that are more in line with being plug and play.