Has anyone else ever gotten a job that demotivates you to the point where you just..

you just want to quit.

that you regret ever picking up graphic design in the first place

As you people probably know I’m 16 ish(would explain my childish behaviour at times, wouldn’t it?), still a bit young but I’ve been doing work for a relative

this relative… oh god…

he’s a bit annoying to work with… to the point where I just regret ever picking up Graphic design.
and the strange thing is, I never picked up graphic design, My knowledge of graphic design extends up to the average 3d modeller, adjustment filters and all that jazz.

He believes that Graphic design.logo design ,Video editing and 3D modelling are basically the same thing… And that literally makes no sense, we all know this right?
Can’t quit for reasons I can’t say.

Has anyone else ever gone through a similar experience?
If so, what’d you do?


As a rule of thumb supervisors/clients will not understand the work you do, or at least, not to the level that the employee will.


  • When you talk to them make sure someone with no knowledge in the field can understand it
  • Educate them to a certain extent, giving them solid reasons why you can/can’t do things. A good client/supervisor will be interested.
  • Treat them like humans
  • COMMUNICATE. Communication solves a lot of problems. If you have issues with the person, tell them so - in the nicest way possible (don’t be condescending)
  • Remember they are also doing work and have their own things to do.

Yup, some supervisors can be terrible, but it’s never made me want to quit. Realize that it is only tempoary. Push through it for the next hour/day/week/month/year.

On a side:
For some reason relatives seem to be the least willing to learn from younger relatives.

Alright well thanks for the tips

I’ll keep these in mind the next time he comes around.

especially the condescending part…

Hard to resist being condescending when the guy talking to you has the dunnin-kruger effect maxed out and is extremely condescending

But… I’ll try

Given your mentioning of the Dunning-Kruger Effect you may consider that this relative of yours has self esteem problems. Often times those with low self esteem or those who, secretly, believe themselves to be of less worth to society seek to over compensate by attacking & belittling others.

In this case sdfgeoff’s suggestion of not being condescending may be especially important as greater damage to this persons ego will likely result in even greater retaliation and given that this individual is your superior their capacity for hurting you in return is likely quite high.

Maybe find something this individual is good at and ask them to educate you or ask their advice on something you think they’d be helpful with. Let them know that their input is both important and helpful. In so doing you may help this individual view you less as a threat to themselves and more of an ally ultimately leading to a better overall relationship.

enjoy youth and all the burning passion of the heart, wonder, feel, excercise in wisdom, be like water… through time i have watched human minds dilute to plain reason and routine as if made of stone
intelligence is very painful experience

Welcome to the world that I have now inhabited for (koff, koff … these kids today … :wink: ) … uhh … decades.

According to “The Real-World Dictionary” (which has never actually been published, since no one in his/her right mind would ever buy it …), a pro•fes•sion•al (n) is: “someone who works for :RocknRoll:-holes for a living, and who keeps doing it, and who (somehow) is proud of their work, most of the time.”


“Hey, it’s not for everyone!”

And, if it’s not for you, just stop by “images.google.com” and “Google This”: Cube Farm.


sure I can deal with ":RocknRoll:"holes…

to a point…

Cube farm… hmm…

at least I have it better than most people

Yes I noticed this as well

I’ll make doubly sure not to be condescending back to him

Is this the work you want to do to contribute socially?

There’s no rush at your age but do be realistic about switching careers.


I actually want to be an electronic(or computer?) engineer when I grow up.
But until then my main hobby or summer job is 3D modelling and programming(sort of…) with more emphasis on 3d modelling.