Yes, I have done several little multiplayer demo’s with a friend.
First up, let’s clear a misconception:
If it works on a LAN, to get it to work on the internet, all you have to do is open a port on your router. This is done through your routers configuration page, and most old games required gamers to do this if they wanted to host.
I’d suggest using a server just to track games, and to broker connections between them, but have the actual game data not going through the server. This vastly reduces the load on the server and means that people don’t have to deal with ping time to your server once the game is established - only the ping time to each other. There are various methods for doing this (look up Hole punching).
Doing it through POST/GET:
I’ve never coded up a system for doing this. I know it’s possible, but haven’t bothered. I don’t like PHP, and prefer to do everything in python - so I just go the dedicated server route
Dedicated Servers:
Running your own dedicated server is the running cost of a raspberry pi - about $5 of electricity per year. Admittedly, I just use the server as a tracker, so the server does not have to actually run the game. If you need the server to actually run the game, then it will cost significantly more electricity and you need a much more powerful computer.
@Thatimster: I can give you a hand setting up your own if you like. Talking over these things in person is often a lot easier.
A budget for a raspberry pi server:
Raspberry pi 3: $35 USD
8gb uSD card: <$10
Cost: $45USD
(Assuming you have a spare USB cable, USB wall charger, HDMI cable (only needed for initial setup) etc.
I have a 2tb spinning disk hard drive plugged into mine - extra $100
I plan to build a new raspberry pi server with a 240GB SSD - extra $100
Heck, you can write python scripts for Andoid phones, no reason that can’t be a server if you’re happy with a wireless link to it (which I’m not).
If you don’t want to spend the time hosting your own, I can suggest digitalocean, who do VPS’s for $5 per month. However, that will get you even less CPU/RAM than your raspberry pi - except the ping time to the rest of the world will be way better.
If you want me to host something for you, drop me a message.
The same goes for anyone in the BGE community. Have a chat to me, tell me why you want what hosted, what ports you want exposed, and chances are I can donate some server space. It won’t be good ping time (because I’m in a funny country), but it will be fine for getting started and testing things. It will be SSH access to a linux box, so some computer skills will be needed (or need to be learned.)
The pi server has been running for nearly two years, and sits there doing pretty much nothing (it runs the tracker for this non-BGE game)