Has anyone here gotten experience with Geogen? How does it compare with Gaea?


Has anyone one or both of the softwares mentioned? How is it, and can you adjust terrain scaling before exporting?


I use Gaea, and I know it does allow you to work in a lower resolution, and up-scale before export. You can also use it for up to 2k for Free, anything above that requires purchase… There is also Terragen and Infinigen. Terrigen Free has some limitations, Infinigen is open-source, procedural, and based on Blender. I would compare Gaea and Infigine…

as far as I know, all let you work in lower resolutions and upscale before export…


Can you take smaller sections out of the terrain to use for a character to traverse through? because from what I’ve seen, Gaea, GeoGen, Terrigen etc. only seem to be used for large scale shots from afar.

Does this mean that Infinigen is on par with Gaea?

For greater detail, you want a higher resolution ( especially if you are placing a character into the scene ) that’s going to be true for any landscape generator. You can mask parts of the base from being affected by the generator, and also once in Blender you can do whatever you feel is needed for your scene, camera culling can stop the display of anything outside of the camera view. You can cut the mesh, use parts, or use boolean operations to get what you need. Look at the respective Home Pages and make your own decision, like https://infinigen.org/

That is difficult to answer, as “What is on Par”…can they produce the same type of landscapes…YES… Are they Node Based, YES is the ease of use the same in both, NO/YES depending on your experience with Blender as well as different Software, You can get a landscape in Gaea, by dropping 1 node in the node editor…or you can add any type of condition, or simulation and build from there, as well as layering and textures ( more for distant views than up-close shots)

Infinigen is very new and is Script-Based so not for the faint of heart, think of Blender Geometry Nodes and running scripts, inside a Blender Game Engine
that has node graphs generated automatically by Infinigen…

Infinigen is Blender ( or based on Blender API) all is procedural and uses Geometry Nodes. You can add anything you can create from mountain ranges to a flower to cover a field but …it is also able to create interior spaces ( Arcvis), like the creator says," You can create anything from Macro to Micro". It is something to keep an eye on…

I do not recommend Infinigen for casual Blender Users or those who are new and just starting, I would recommend Gaea, it is Node Based, allows you to create or see if you can use it all for Free, and is closer to Blender in its basic use.

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Thank you for that summary. :smiley:

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