
i add a circle, extrude and now I want to connect another circle above. This should become a hat. I still need to close/attach the cover/circle on the top of it.
rmb and f doesn’t seem to work… basically i want to connect two circles.

hi, fill won’t work on seperated loops (shift-f) so you’ll have to contect the two loops or circles. One way to connect two loops is to use the Bridge script in the scripts menu. That will also delete the loop faces and then you can fill again with shift-f and then convert to quadrangles with alt-j.

Another way to conect the two loops is to go into edge mode and select two edges and type f.

That help at all?

Are the two crcles - independant object or are they joint together?

I can’t find the bridge script, where should that be? Neither edge mode?
Those are independant circles. I made the hat out of a circle but still need to close
the top somehow.

If the circle above has the same number of vertices, then if you line them up so that the vertices are almost exactly on top of each other, you can use “remove doubles”.

You’ll find it in either edit buttons or you can get it by pressing ‘w’. You must be in edit mode for this to work though.

Those are independant circles.

If they are different objects, you’ll need to join them first. Select both (shift-right click) and hit ctrl-j and click on the thing that appears.

Neither edge mode?

Look at the 3d window. There is a row of buttons just underneath it. On the far right there is a single picture button, then a group of 4.

This group of 4 is important. Going from the right:
The block, it stops you selecting vertices you cannot see. For instance, in solid view you can’t see the back of an object, with this button toggled it stops you selecting the back.

Face mode, you can work with faces rather than vertices.
Edge mode, work with edges,
Vertex mode (normal) work with vertices.

You can shift-select any combination of these, try them and see.

hm, yes. see above. :slight_smile:

You could also closed the top surface of your first circle
Edit mode - Select all the top vertices and then Shift-F to close the top?


What you could do(I guess, I don’t know exactly what you are doing) is make a circle, extrude it in(scale after extrude), then extrude it up. Then, extrude the top circle and merge the vertices.

I too would loft the shape (extrude) for a starting point.

There’s a hat tutorial at Noob to Pro that has a different approach?

[note: about my post above: I think I’m talking out of my hat. :slight_smile: Fill will work on seperate loops but only if both loops are unfilled. fwiw]

If your hat is symetrical then Spinning is the tool to use to make a hat or any other spinned object like bottle , Glass ect…
