Hate, misinformation, hackers and threatening

Hi, in your position I would close this now.
Everything is said and it start to get more and more ugly, so nobody can win here.
Stay with your plan and report posts with false information or discredit you to forum admins.

Cheers, mib


lol that synchronicity. I’m seeing Jaws film (1975) right now because someone posted a scene on the newtek post and intrigued me
(consider this as something shamanic)

@moderators please close this thread.

wrong thread?


Peace and prosperity, mib


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most. Assuming you create your own code, you know for sure how ridiculous this claim is, right? “A virus that targets blender files and source code files” - really? So why are you making this up? Sympathy? We already recognize your hard work, no need to make this sort of stuff up.

You also need to work on your online presence and develop a thicker skin to criticism, my friend. I’ve read several of your threads, and your go-to reply is to act offended and attack the critic by asking, “what have you done?”

You should work on that diplomacy, particularly if you are trying to establish a business - where reputation matters a lot. The way you address the BF and Brecht or Ton, are several degrees below the level of cordiality and open mind that makes this community great. I am frankly surprised that Brech took the time to engage and reply to you several times, especially after you clearly trying to misrepresent what went on in your e-mail exchanges.

Regarding E-Cycles, you are acting as if you created Cycles and are owed something. You did not. And you aren’t. You did a great job optimizing it and creating your own fork, and I am glad you actively contribute to the further development of Blender. But you are also acting as if you are entitled something (I’m still unclear about what you are asking with this post - what is it?)

Ethics and opinion on your business model aside, you are already selling your product, and hope it goes well, but the BF owes you nothing. From what we can see (unless you can prove otherwise), they have always been correct and polite with you, so what more do you want at this point?

This is a leap of absurd logic. You have Blender with Cycles at no cost. In what parallel dimension does buying your 100 dollar version make more sense to “poorer” people? Also, in my humble opinion, if you are suffering from poverty, having faster Cycles’ renders should be at the bottom of the priorities list (at least for me). So it’s an unfortunate marketing spiel.

Anyway, I applaud your enthusiasm, but from what I’ve read, I haven’t seen anybody “hating” or “misinforming” or “threatening” you. It seems you feel somewhat mistreated or not getting enough credit for your contributions, but surely there are better ways to express that.


I think Blenderoo that he was saying that it empowers poor people because $100 is a lot cheaper than buying a second graphics card to get that extra speed for rendering.

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All I can say on this is… use the KISS principle.
(K)eep (I)t (S)imple (S)tupid!

Just keep it simple and direct. Make a living off your work in a simple and direct manner, or contribute freely in the same way. Both will work out far more than any other more complicated approach. Just keep it simple. The goal is either to contribute, or make a living off that work, or perhaps both. All can be approached in a simple and direct manner.


Finally! Real details on the specific areas of what should be implemented on the engine. These areas are totally immediate. When I read “instead of world bounces”, I almost dismayed…

Soo hows that patch you submitted to the blender foundation going

I was worrying the last 2 months as I didn’t hear anything from you. Thanks for choosing this thread to post your question, it’s a good sign :slight_smile: .


Will the E-Cycles code be ever be integrated to Blender one day?
IIRC, it was supposed to be released after one year, wasn’t it?

It would be great if Blender had these optimisations too.


I have the same question. Hopefully it will be.


You should ask bf instead, as in the end it is up to bf to merge or not.


Link to differential commit please? Without that, it’s still in @bliblubli hands.

I paid for E-Cycles for almost a year, I’d like to see him follow up on what he said he’d do.


Hi, it was mentioned in this or the E-Cycles main thread, @bliblubli send the patch to a Blender Foundation core developer and was asked for privacy.
Nothing happen since then.
I think Mathieu should publish patch/branch in the state of 2019 on Github or something and forget about. If nobody need it for Cycles what should he do?

Cheers, mib