Here is a game i’ve been working on for the last half of a month.
Its Called: Hatty-Man
Basically so far you can switch between hats/guns which are: shotgun, tommy gun, throwing star, and rocket launcher.
WASD = Move
Mouse = Aim/turn
Scroll = Switch Weapon
v = Switch Camera View
in the future i hope to have a health bar for the character as well as the dragon.
I also hope to have a damage and death animation for the dragon.
I hope to include sounds and a sprint button…
and other stuff.
Ps. Does anyone know how to fix the parenting problem that the hat and weapon have if they are created when my character is moving? When created while moving they parent a little slow and are off center. I have an empty create the weapon/hat and then when the object is created it parents its self to the empty. Is there a faster way of doing this?
Pps. Does anyone wanna team with me…i really dont know what for but what ever