That is absolutely something I can relate to…lol
But I also feel now, that it is not a good thing, this social need to “follow through”. Granted. We all know that good business and many aspects of interpersonal relationships hinge on “keeping your word”.
But I now have the opinion that beyond the obvious necessities in life and for good business where it warrants it, you should say to hell with it. It is entirely your choice to follow through with what you want to do. To change your mind. To go another direction you feel you need to. Start over, go to another medium. Or frankly kick the entire thing over a cliff.
All that matters is that you are doing what you are doing because you want to do it. And for no other reason.
I can’t tell you the number of times I said “Well, I have the script now. This is the one. This one is fantastic.” And then start producing it. And then to turn around and toss it all out. I have props and sets I will never use.
And of this writing, right now, I have a production script. It is locked. New scenes and pages get A,B,C, D etc. And new revisions get colors… lol
And I gotta tell you. I feel pretty damn fantastic about it. But I would not be here if I let myself be too concerned about “keeping my word”. When you think about it, it is pretty silly.
But it is funny you mentioned a comic strip. That idea actually crossed my mind too. But from the point of view of doing a version of it, as a pre-release.
There is definitely something to be said for going with simpler mediums to produce.
A lot of our problems are because we bite off too much.
But getting your story out there (and with copyright filed) is a great way to get feedback and get inspiration. Not to mention build a little fan base.