Have object in scenegraph, can't find / delete it otherwise.

My search-fu might be a little off, but I can’t seem to find anything about a problem like this.

While setting up ye quickie three-point flyby path to see how a material looked from a few angles, I attempted to add a sun-light and nothing happened. I tried again and it worked, and I went on my way. Now, looking at my scenegraph and outliner screen, there’s an extra lamp listed that dosn’t show up anywhere when I select it, even with all layers on. Selecting it, mousing over the 3d view, and hitting X does nothing, and neither does the “view selection” camera option.

I’d just attach the file since it’s pretty small, but that dosn’t seem to be an option with the forum software?

Also, what does the dotted line outline I see occasionally on a block mean? I didn’t see anything about it in the manual. (Then again, the manual dosn’t seem to mention that clear blocks are going to go away if you save and reload, either …)

In outliner, select the lamp. move your mouse cursor into a 3d window. Press tilde to select all layers, then Shift-S to snap the cursor to the selection, and press C to center your view on the object. That should find it.

In the Oops schematic, a box with out dashed outline is the selected object. Clear blocks, those without any connections, and not used in the blend and thus are discarded to save space.

None of that actually worked, though it did place the cursor back where I think it was when I created the screwed up object and center on that.

I found a solution though: Move everything that was selectable to a new scene, and then delete the first scene, which took the broken objects with it.

Then I realized I had a few more copies of the broken object that weren’t connected to any scene. Apparantly hitting the little “F” button on the link box on the object panel, and then hitting the little “2” that appears and making it single user, will create a persistant and unconnected object. The only way I found to do anything with it was with a script command like Blender.Scene.Get(“Scene”).link(Blender.Object.Get(“Borken Lamp”)) . . .

After that, and futzing around until I understood the F button, and several reloads, I got all the broken objects to go away though. And heck, at least this forced me to understand object linking a lot more than I did a few hours ago. :slight_smile:

It really should be possible to make/break links from the OOPS-a-graph though; it would make manage some of these things a lot easier (or at least, intuitive to me :D))