have u tried flux studio (OPEN SOURCE) ?

hi all
i got a link regarding the real time web 3d (X3D) Flux player and the Flux studio as
have u tried it yet ?
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Flux studio(open source)
The new Flux Studio 2.0 is a powerful modeling and animation application for creating real-time Web 3D (X3D) content and virtual worlds on the Web. MS Windows XP and Vista version.

I’m gonna try this… thanks for putting this out…downloading…

OSS, soon even cross-platform… might be the next big thing :smiley:
Thanks for sharing!

Doesn’t work in firefox at all for me.

What makes this better than Blender?

It’s not “better” then blender … not by a long mile … the modeling/animation system this offers is very weak compared to Blender … but it seems this is geared for ease of use/a web publishing format (X3D - a rehashing of the old VRML format) … I mean the first link is to their web browser plugin … something like Google’s Sketch Up … but you can upload your files in x3d format to the web … and I wouldn’t be surprised if the poster was involved in the development of this project … so this is like spam … but it is open source (I downloaded the code - and this has one thing in common with Blender - it’s written in C) … so I guess this is soft spam … Ummmmmmm soft spam …

it seems that you have tried it

waiting for sunday …busy schedule then i will also test it
my office machine is fedora
havin xp at home

nice comments;)