Having a problem with Bevel Center script.

Can anyone help me with this?

I’m trying to add some detail to the side of the USB stick (lock switch). To get the square shape I’m using the Bevel Center script (see bottom right corner). Look fine until I turn on the Subsurf modifier then I get these funny gradients. I tried the Flip Normals but that did not seem to work.

This is my first model in Blender so not sure what is causing this.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Those triangles are causing the errors. Create quads from them by selecting two triangles and pressing Alt+J (Convert triangles to quads).

Thanks PronStar,

I tried the Alt + J keys but nothing seemed to happen. Selected the triangles with the Face select hit Alt + J no luck used the Edge select option hit Alt + J no luck. If I delete the edge between the triangles and recreate the face it ok. If there Alt + J would work that would save me a lot of time. I got around the problem by using the knife and edge slide tools to create edges on either side of the corners that was even more time consuming. I’ll keep trying and see if I can get it to work.

Much appreciate if I get it working this will save me huge amounts of time.

Cheers Kordo.

Went back to basics and created a simple cube then sliced it to get some triangle shapes. Using the Alt + J option I was able to combine 2 triangles into a quad. I noticed that the triangles in my model weren’t actually triangles, and merging a couple of vertices to make them triangles did not seem to allow the Alt+J option to work.


It looks like that script is making a mess of your mesh, I think you would be better off reverting back to before you made that hole and simply using “K” to create some loop cuts. Once you have created the outline of the recess you can extrude the face.

Here I done up a quick example. In the image I just did 2 horizontal and 2 verical cuts on a simple plane. I then selected the resulting polygon in the centre, and extruded it, I shrunk the selection to create the border like you have on your model. Finally I applied another extrude and dragged the selection down to create the recess.


Edit:- For punctuation.

Thanks PornStar,

That’s pretty much the approach I used to make the hole. Here’s a blender file of the same this you did I’ve applied the same bevel on one example and the second is plain. The interesting thing this is that although the surface looks wrong in blender but when you do a render it’s ok.

Is there a way I can upload a blender file?


Select the whole mesh in edit mode and hit Ctrl-N, this flips all the normals to the outside. Flip normals in the mesh tools does not do the same thing.


The did recently update the bevel center script. Latest one I have was made the first week of this month.