As you can see on the left is the imported SVG file created in Inkscape. On the right is the picture image I used to make vectors in Inkscape and saved as SVG. I imported that SVG file into Blender and extruded it to 0.0001.
Why am I not getting all of the SVG in Blender. Parts of it are missing. Please help
Can you share the original SVG from Inkscape…It would help see what the problem Might be…
At a wild guess, it would be to UNGROUP the file in Inkscape before exporting.
check the dimensions in EU panel
might be very far away
happy bl
Inkscape can do things with SVG which blender may not understand because Inkscape is made for this and Blender uses an importer which may just don’t understand every nuance of SVG… As far as i remember there are some better SVG import addons out there but i don’t remember yet the names and link.
You may be lucky by partitioning you SVG in multiple parts… It seems to be that the upper part is okay with a little rectangluar bad part on the left and the lower part is just inverted…
wow, great hints.
I thought this might be the case…it was just an image file, brought into a vector prog and saved as an embedded image in an SVG.
Easy to change in Inkscape using the trace image function…But it is a single path, not a bunch of separated curves…
montmatre-b-2 resave-01.svg.blend (2.2 MB)
thank for your reply . I can see the street missing. I think everyone here is saying that the image is too complex . I think I’ll try some other simpler images and see how that works. May I can find a happy medium between Inkscape and Blender. B2 means Blue threshold #2. Theres 4 levels of thresholds in blue. Same in the red channel and green channel . Total of 12 cells. The cells are used as masks between the light and canvas. It casts shadows. It tells me where to paint in adobe Medium. I paint 3 grayscale paintings. I compose them back to RGB in Gimp.
I could play around with parts. Do you think the image is too much for Bender to import? Do you think theres nothing wrong in Inkscape and blender but its a too complex image?
it was very tiny compared to the cube. Couldn’t see it for a while during zooming in. Is it possible to make svg bigger in Inkscape?
You are only seeing the Highlights and not the Black…It is too complex of an image to try and get the Black parts as an SVG…better to aim for the White…
Here is the same file imported as a GP -Layer and I got rid of the b2 section…
You can adjust the GP layer add subtract etc. then convert the GP layer to Mesh and do whatever your original intention was…
Here is the File…Sorry but converted to GP jumps the File size from 2mb to 20mb
absolutely gorgeous! Looks really good ! I downloaded and opened that .blend file. I can see GP. All I can do is stare at it. I need to go but that Blend file is a sight burned into my brain. Thanks. I got long way to go in looking into GP as a newbie.
Oh it seems to be good now but: Sorry i should already see this before: The way blender handles overlapping bezier curves seems to differ from that of Inkscape or meant to be in SVG… (they lines should cross)
This doesn’t really help but maybe makes it more understandable…
If the inner curves doesn’t cross the outer: fine. But if it crosses this may not what SVG does…
Thank you all for educating me on all this. I still think its possible to do what I need. For now, I’m using the png picture with the white knocked out and putting that picture close to the canvas to guide my brush strokes. Not an ideal way but will do for now since I need to look more into getting an obj done. If you guys figure out how to do it, let me know.
OK…I don’t understand what it is EXACTLY, you are trying to do…Could you be more specific?
It sounds as if you are trying to re-create an RGB image using Greyscale images in the R_G_B layers…Like I used to do in my camera photography, taking an image and splitting to RGB and then making the R channel RED the Green GREEN, etc…then layering 3 transparent masks, to composite a full-color image ( like splitting an image for printing on a T-shirt)
Take a look at my Twitter to get the idea of what I have been doing at
Somewhere at the end of my twitter, you’ll see how I progressed and ended up here for help.
This site might give you a clue how I like to used Lucida Camera to do my paintings. I have been using Lucida Camera in the digital world for a while.
I have and made physical transparences as cells to project onto my physical canvas. I have stuff on paper, film, slides and draw it in on stuff. Instead of all these physical stuff, I want to convert these stuff into something I can use in the VR world. I would like to use and pass around these cells in VR apps and VR worlds for other to use. First I need to be able to use it, myself. What do you think? With all those magic Blenders can do but can’t do that beats me.
OK…I get the basic idea of what you are doing a lot like I was doing back in the 80s’ with photography…I got my basic idea from an article in TIME magazine ( no WWW at that time only FTP sites at Universities as well as BBS’s…
It was this…that I used with RGB light-sensitive emulsion to create full-color images from RGB filtered grey scales……
So as far as what you are doing…you want to do all this as Digital Images, using the transparencies as mask colorizing and compositing all in Blender…
So…first, off…let’s take the Monmarte scene…To begin you will need a FULL RGB image… to create your mask! It would be nice if it also was layered .EXR, that would save a lot of steps but is not absolutely needed…and from that create the greyscale masks, in PS or Gimp whatever you use…
As far as the Lucida Camera… that also can be done by Camera Mapping…
I give up on OBJs for now. Trying FBX. Life is cruel. So far I got choppy masks but hey, I got something! Least I can move on. Since its so crude and blocky, I’m going to try 4 shades of grayscales per painting. then do 3 paintings. then compose the 3 paintings in RGB.