HD issues, need assistance!

hey blenderheads,
sup? :smiley:

I have this little hardware issue, hopefully you might assist my poor soul.

Someone gave me a 80gb IDE HDD that runs at 7200 RPM… the question is, do I need an HDD cooler? Will the HDD blow with my PC?


A little out of my league for sure but I’d give this one word of advice from the voice of experience. Cool it down! A new hard drive shouldn’t be all that much of a problem as far as heat goes but I always err on the side of caution. After frying my CPU once I now place two EXTRA fans in my boxes. An extra directly on the cpu and then another on inlet or outlet depending on ease of install.

it really depends on what your case is like already

most likely you will not if you have at least one case fan (in addition to the one on the cpu and power supply, I’ve seen cases with only the power supply fan…)

going for more fans doesn’t hurt, I have four fans on my two hard drives. It’s noisy, but I don’t worry about it. (6 case fans total, also cpu and power supply)

damn WTF.

i have 2 case fans, front and back. i would stick in 4xHDD before i started worrying.

2xHDD’s will not be a problem. all i sugest is that you give an HDD a bit of room on either side, and have at least 1 case fan.

Alltaken p.s. i have a 120Gb drive running at 7200

I only have one case fan and two HDDs, and no problem. I wouldn’t have thought about blowing my pc with a new hard drive. I think you can try without extra cooling when

  1. you leave enough space for air circulation
  2. do not live in a place where it’s too hot (ummm… you’re from south america, right…?)
  3. check the temperature once in a while at the beginning.

Maybe it saves you a lot of time and nerves when you just buy another fan… :wink:

Oh… i see… buy or not buy, that’s the dilemma… :stuck_out_tongue:

The thing is… the HDD will have no space neither up nor down… kuz I have other drives… and… oh well…
And it is, in fact, hot down here in South America…

Guess I’ll just go with the safe choice for now… don’t want my precious files to… be lost forever… at least until I get my new PC (and THEN i will be able to run Blender’s GUI fast again, J/K :stuck_out_tongue: )

now… where will the fan fit? :smiley: lol… (i have SERIOUS hardware issues…)