Post deleted.
60 bucks for a model based on a copyrighted material ? Good luck about being sued by Namco, Toru Iwatani and Colombia.
I’m sure Turbosquid wouldn’t accept the model if it were that case. It was awaiting for confirmation and it accepted so I’m guessing there shouldnt be any problems.
albert it was being reviewed to see if it broke criminal law, like child porn or something. namco will send them a cease and desist letter when they see it. when / if that happens cease to prevent getting sued. and save any money you are paid. you’ll probably have to refund anyone who bought it. i doubt namco will spend the money to sue you if you stop when they tell you to but they probably will demand you buy back and copies you have sold. it probably costs more than $60 to sue from japan. the safest thing to do would be to contact them and make an arrangement. or perhaps you could even offer to model for one of the developers they license pacman to. as far as i c an tell tehy are only licensing it to japaneese developers, but they are licensing it.
What will happen is that as soon as the copyright holder notices it, they will send TS a C&D order and the product will be suspended. If you are lucky, nothing will happen beyond that.
… Why is this posted in the news section?
Idk, but now, I’d like to request this post to be deleted. Thanks.
And really, 60 bucks? are you kidding? I know that TS takes a big slice, but do you really think it would be worth that much to anybody?
Get the mods in here!