HDR Lighting with BI (inc tutorial)

It wasn’t long ago when I heard that blender internal could do HDR lighting… how shocked I was! So I took some time to figure it out it was awesome. No lamps needed!!
So here’s my result and the tut :slight_smile:


very good thank you!

pleasure :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome, I always learn a lot from your tutorials, even in the ones that I think I know all about what you are teaching :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you very much for making the tutorial, need I say it? I learned a lot from this one as well :smiley:

Thanks man :slight_smile: its great to know that it helps. have any ideas for new tuts?

Greg, terrific tutorial: very straightforward and easy to follow. As for new tuts, how about applying your magic touch to a method for creating visible light beams?

thanks :slight_smile: ah thats an easy one, but if you say so :stuck_out_tongue: I think i shall

Easy for you - not so easy for me! :no: Thanks, Greg!

:wink: It depends on the scene I guess… its a tricky thing to get right

OMFG you just gave me the most epic idea I’ve been looking for!! tx dude!